to make him jealous. The statistic for heroin addicts who get clean and stay clean are actually depressing and shocking. She was of Native American (Cherokee), Irish, Scottish, remote Welsh, English, and Swiss-German descent. She almost died from doing a speedball. It is not worth experimenting with. I will forever cherish our short time together. Demri had a look that seemed to define the musical era, beautiful in a small-town way with her bright eyes, round cheeks, and curly hair. I think about 95% of it had to do with shame over what he had become. It was Layne and Demri and they had to find me to tell me they started doing dope and how wonderful it was, and right then I knew they I dont think you can get shorter from heroin abuse Im not sure though, from what I know the only way to actually get shorter is from getting old, and thats because you will slowly lose the cephalorraquid liquid thats between every vertebra (I dont know how to say that in english lol, the vertebras are the little bones that form the column), but maybe affected his posture like you said Liz still there are a whole bunch of other side and long term effects, Ive read that heroin is the most addictive opiate right after desomorphine (its like heroin little cousin only nastier), and its getting pretty big un Rusia, Ucrain, and starting to come to my country, too. Sorry if I missespelled something, english isnt my primary language. I started writing about her online about 12 years ago now and some of the pictures I posted can still be seen floating around online like the one of them kissing taped to my wall or the black and white ones of her in the coat and hat.. all print outs I received from Darin from her memorial. Recent images. Ethnicity: English, Swiss-German, Irish, Scottish, remote Welsh, possibly 1/64th Cherokee Native American. Barbara you are right on that they suffered from a fatal disease- and also right that drugs arent worth dabbling in. She must be a really strong lady. There are very few happy endings for heroin addicts. The sad parts of all of our lives are the MOST important cautionary tales on this website.. written for someone who needs to hear it or some kid or young adult who thinks they just wanna try heroin someday Do not do it! It was supposedly him who reconnected once she became ill. She suffered a lot in life, from around 1993 (I think) until her death in 1996, she was in and out of hospital constantly. Mad Season, Layne's side projects/art, Jerry's solo work. They both wanted to live a normal life, get married, but the drugs stood in the way. Until America recognizes the addict is sick have compassion try to help not enable stand up to the Government to look at Portugal & the actions they took it worked sadly it is scary how the future looks. I have no clue where or how that rumor ever got started but it is for sure not Demri. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He wanted a teddy bear that Demri Lara Parrott had and who had stayed with her at the hospital.. You do that on your own! During this year I hadnt heard a thing. That time he was upset because he felt everyone in the band should be at Rehab and it really pissed him off to be singled out esp. Layne did mention that he was affected by Kurts death. By then, Demri had also become addicted to heroin. She was born Feb. 22, 1969, in Bremerton. Bigs hugs! His father was an addict as well. I dont give a fuck if you fucking believe me or not, dude. Pretty soon youre just doing it to feel normal and function and you dont even get high anymore or getting high gets harder to accomplish without having to do more then usual..and rarely can you even afford to get wellbut that is also how some addicts accidentally overdose..just trying to feel it or after theyve gotten clean for after getting out of rehab, jail or detox and then they relapse and overdose because their tolerance has gone way down and they accidentally do too much.. Thats probably almost 80% of the reasons why an addict will overdose. Then Jack shared the photos of Demri and Rosheen which made my YEAR! That was the last public performance that Staley ever did. Staley's physical appearance had become even worse than before: he had lost several teeth, his skin was sickly pale, and he was severely emaciated. Stay strong, stay strong, you can beat this. Most of her friends described her as a very sweet and beautiful person, kind, peaceful and artistic. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Would anynof those be from 95 or 96 ? His vocals cannot be matched. Surgeries on her. Now you may say that he was just fed up with waiting for Layne to find solid ground once and for all, and I could totally understand that, but youd be missing the point. (1969-1996) model, artist, grunge icon, beautiful soul See more News You may also like. More rehab for both. Was she brought to this career choice based on struggles in her own life? I can say that Kathleen and Rosheens Moms know each other and leaned on each other during that tough time when they both lost their daughters. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Oct 29th is a day a lot of us who knew and loved Demri will never forget. A painting of Demri and Layne was featured on the cover of the Mad Season album.. Mad Season "Above" Album Cover Based On Photo Of Layne Staley And . Demri Parrott was an American artist who was born on February 22, 1969. She had an amazing confidence which shines through in her modelling pictures and her pieces of writing. Yes, Laura very, very true you basically nailed it. I just had to say it. It speaks volumes about this site that a guy sitting in his living room in Iceland in 2017, can read through it and feel as if he were a fly on the wall in all these parties and gatherings. When did you lose hope, though? Dear Susan, Bless you. It is an extremely powerful demon drug that can steal your life and your inner strength faster then youll have control of. Check it out and let me know. Layne and Demri in the Sea of Sorrow video. No, ive never met you, but I still care about you and your family. play a tattletale game. Laura. It is believed that her death has overwhelmed Layne so much that he returned to addiction. Have you read David de Solas book on Alice in Chains? Just rude and no respect Or those already gone like Demri and Layne.. best thing they can come up with is they have a life to live??? So we run back to the thing that we thought made us happy again and then after a while that does not even work anymore. I hope and pray that youre ok today, to live and tell more of your story. What makes it better though is knowing that Layne and Demri, and her friend, Rosheen, are all together now, in each others company, waiting to reunite with the rest of their loved ones in eternity some day. Being in a relationship w/ Layne changed none of that. The previous year she had suffered pancreatitis. He really freaked out over Kurt a few months before that. I was iving heroin for 8 years when i suddenly came down with what i thought was the flu. Laynes riff with Jerry was for telling him he needed to go to rehab and not going himself, hearing Laynes solo music and taking it to the band and borrowing his 8-track and erasing his stuff with Maynard (I dont think Jerry noticed it was on there). Heroin usually either ends in jail, life long opiate replacement programs like methadone or suboxone or death. Layne was tired of it and didnt want to do it anymore, and Jerry became very devious in his words and his actions. Addiction to herion, several heart operations leading to a pig valve heart as the last resort for survival, my own mother would have given up on me & say, You deserve to die. In contrast, Demris mother supported her through all the hospital stays, and was there for her in the end. Let me just say that its truly a pleasure to meet you here Xana. Barbara D. Well here I am, all these years later. They were eventually engaged to be married. He was always fighting someone elses battle when he thought he had his beat. I remember Johnny being the same way. You know what he was like? In spite of all the rumors he WAS clean. I agree with you D and Eric, in different things a lot of that just sounds to made up..and even if Jerry is a bit arrogant or has this kind of personality-which Ive read somewhere of him being a bit hard on Layne-it doesnt mean hes not a good personShe paints him like such a BAD GUY! Ward was when Layne went on tour and he quit paying rent there. It was her choice, Im sure if someone could have stopped her, they would have done so. REED HUTCHINSON (Feast guitarist) Before Layne was going out with Demri, I got to know her through That sucks! But I hope that you will. God bless her mother, cause mine would have let me die without hospital stays. Its not Angry Chair, its the revised addition, Get Born Again. She studied at the Arlington High School, Washington (1984 1986); the Lakewood High School, Arlington, WA (1986); and the Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, Jacksonville, Florida (1985 1989). If you go onto Facebook you will find a number of groups dedicated to the memory of Layne. Barbara thanks for putting your heart into this and also for educating people about drugs. It is a horrible existence. I know she had siblings and her name changed from Murphy to Parrott at some stage (as per yearbook photo). Take care, The truth about the ways she lied, cheated, manipulated and stole from him have all been conveniently forgotten.". We all were our suing a buzz in those days and the idea was to just be careful. I remember I was shooting video for Nancy at one of those tributes five years ago -shooting man on the street interviews outside, and Mike pulled up in a limo and talked to some of us , and we chatted but he was high as a kite. Demri was bisexual, and she was a nudist. I remember the first time I heard AIC I was living close to the beach and just started smoking weed and I surfed every day. That being said im not a crazed obsessed fan but I am aware of Demri and read her story through Barbara and Darin about 10 years ago right after my heroin addiction started. Im loving this website and to found out more about Layne and Demri and how unique they were makes me really happy| . I recently watched the Andrew Wood documentary and your words had me in floods of tears. Sometimes, we forget that they are people too. I thought here may be a good place. So heartbreaking for everyone. We need to find a way to unite and help our sons, daughters, friends, lovers, entertainers. Yes, families fight, a lot, but in death should not peace be made between everyone? So for all the AIC fans who hate Demri because of this, you are all wrong. Chris Cornells recent death triggered something in me and Ive spent days reading through this site among others. They didnt have it so they ordered one for me and thats what Ive been reading these last couple of weeks. There was one time I found a spoon, and it was obvious what it had been used for. The last public appearance he made was almost four years before his death when he attended his bandmate Jerry Cantrell's solo concert in Seattle on Halloween in 1998.,, Oh Barbara, I was just waitting for your confirmation but now im very disappointed:( But anyway thank you very much for this site. No problem.. I respect that. Gah, Mike Starr was a weird one. Did you hear this new record by this band? And I loved itI thought it was so cute. I miss Laynes voice so much, but I have to admit that I absolutely love Black Gives way to Blue (the song). Dark features (eyes and hair), long dark hair, Arlington High School, Washington (1984 -1986), Lakewood High School, Arlington, WA (1986). He was not her boyfriend he was older than her parents, but he was in love with her and thought the were going to get married. Look at her smile, too. But they were always connected, and when she passed, so did Laynes spirit. I hate to stop before I am finished with something and will work 72 hours straight to get something finished no matter what even being my own boss. It was love at first sight. DAVID DUET At our next rehearsal, Demri and Layne walked in together, and within a month I was doing guest appearances with Alice in Chains, singin Bowie songs and stuff. Makes me scared to have children. had an issue and he couldnt stop. I can understand as well as empathize with Layne, Demri, and all addicts that have been seduced by a drug that seems so good at first. Oh my she was so beautiful, so beautiful!!! Just human. beautiful post, beautiful website and beautiful comment thread . I know that he was at Jerrys 98 Halloween concert, and had thought about making an appearance there. Again thank you. She was born Feb. 22, 1969, in Bremerton. Yeah were gay, wanna join us? LOL! She would be in there for months at a time following serious operations on her heart that left a foot long scar on her chest, and she had a pacemaker installed. Demri would be proud of you God bless you all. I dont know why I chose here, maybe I need to vent or maybe I just want to share a little bit of the truth as I perceived it. Please write that story, for a book. The first one who loved and protected Layne (Jerry had music, yeah a hundred guys did, but nobody had Laynes voice and it was amazing. The Blue Moon was kind of notorious, at least when I was a teenager, as the place to go buy drugs. He had someone call a psychic for him to make sure that he would be okay. So thats what i have been doing staying clean. I will never be whole again and I keep stuffing the pain down and filling the hole in my soul with heroin but I never am rid of the pain nor am I ever joyful and worst I think of allI dont even feel alive. Ya I mess up and say it (we had nicknames) but also it was to motivate her to add a little fuel under her butt and remember she had a purpose for being here. Demris story haunted me when I first learned of it a few years ago. Addicts in your life should never be seen as selfish assholes.. most are actually just broken and sad and while they may come off as being selfish because they wont get clean for you most are just not equipped to know HOW to get clean or are too scared to try. Just let them know youll be there when theyre ready to get clean. Then she moved in with Layne because she had nowhere else to go. Xana La Fuente, if youre reading this, I just want to tell you that I find you so inspiring too. I made myself get over my stupid feelings for you because I had to, and when I did that I also got over my frustration with the fact that everytime I defended you I had to hide behind anonymity and lose credibility. Im sure that hes sad, Im sure he feels it. Drugs make you paranoid. She had her own connections for buying heroin and she could afford that, but it was LAYNES fault that she got sick b/c he hadnt bought her cotton before he left. when the crew were dealers too. I do think that Demri deserves more appreciation in her own right, though. This site has been around. I think shes someone that facinates many people, and from what Ive read, she probably would have been equally facinating to know even if she wasnt Laynes girlfriend. I listen to Chloe Dancer and think of how I want my life to be as beautiful as that song. Layne was very true to Demri in his heart, but he related many, many wild touring adventures to me.. Demri Parrott had an encounter with Katina Bonita Evangeline (1991). And to your Family. Blessings to each of you! I heard that methadone is harder to kick than H in some cases. Regardless, you have done great justice to remembering your friends. She stayed with whoever would let her in during her final year, and was taken in by the father of a friend. People around the world come here to share informations and curiosities and read stories about people you love so much. We tried to before but couldnt really connect with Nancy- too much focus on Laynes addiction and Heroin, and yknow there was a lot more to those times than just that. Demri, who was the cutest, most beautiful thing in the world, came up to me one night and lifted up her shirt. American Model (Adult/Glamour) Demri Parrott passed away on 29th Oct 1996 Evergreen Hospital, Kirkland, Washington / Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, USA aged 27. You have to completely get away from your environment you used in like the whole city you gotta find all new friends and you need to want it more then anything else!! But, either way, I just wanted to say what a beautiful site and all the loving comments about a side of Layne that most of us would have never had the chance hear about. She didnt want to be known asLayne Staleys girlfriend, but she started to be known this way. It floods your brains receptors with nothing but the good feeling chemicals and then when you try to say OK, Im done Ive had enough..Well, too badbecause your body and your brain will fight and lie to you..Just one more time it will sayyoull promise yourself over and over.. until you eventually just give up and cant fight it anymore because you get so violently sick. Stay away is all I can say, I have met very few people who have just tried heroin and not become addicted.
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