Themes= poverty/family/greed and generosity. I think this is why the character of Fezziwig exists to show that Scrooge is not representative of all the upper classes. Here are some of the best 'A Christmas Carol' Scrooge quotes for this holiday season that will melt your heart. I am not the man I was. The description of the children is designed to shock the reader. Stave 3 - the Cratchits Active Themes 'A lonely boy was reading near a feeble fire'. The image of the oyster is almost perfect for Scrooge at this stage in the book. Dr Aidan, PhD, provides you with the 10 key quotes in Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol', along with in-depth analysis, to he. The problem is internal, within Scrooges heart. If you watch any of the adaptations of A Christmas Carol Tiny Tim is almost always one of the loveable characters and with good reason. Summary. The word 'business' reflects Scrooge's earlier response to the portly gentlemen. I think he wanted to make it accessible to all classes so he could better spread his message. Whatever the book. You could make a strong argument for this being a tale of redemption. His narrator describes events as they happened and doesnt spend a great deal of time on extraneous details. The boy is ignorance. He always did.". The tone is impatient as he does so. A Christmas Carol Stave 1 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts Towards the end of the book, Scrooge has clearly learnt that fact and decides to spend his remaining days sharing his time, his wealth, and enjoying the fruits of his fellow men. It is through your support of visiting Book Analysis that we can support charities, such as Teenage Cancer Trust. The simile 'like a tail' is suggestive of a snake, which is symbolic of the devil. The workers will be repairing the building. Whoop! I can't afford to make idle people merry.". The clerks sprinting home juxtaposes Scrooge's dinner in a melancholy tavern. Then, choose the verb form that agrees in number with the subject. This quote shows Ebenezer Scrooge's miserly, miserable attitude toward Christmas at the opening of the story; he is obsessed with his money and has no time for festivities, family, or joy. Scrooge. However, it could also be argued that ignorance reflects the lack of education of the poor. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Bell, dong, ding; hammer, clang, clash! "It was a large house but one of broken fortunes.". This means that Scrooge is implying Christmas was designed to trick and fool people into spending money. Themes= greed and generosity/time. They often came down handsomely, and Scrooge never did. He teaches scrooge to learn from his mistakes of his past. 'Christmas' in A Christmas Carol: Key Quotes & Analysis Dickens believed in collective responsibility - that the wealthy should take responsibility for helping the poor, specifically through the provision of education and support for children. A Christmas Carol Quotes | Course Hero Inclusive now of society - not isolated and solitary. Dickens creates sympathy for the poor, through the Crachit's and their tight knit family. The simile shows Bobs wealth in his family; he values them more than money and so is content with their love. Scrooge has undergone a metamorphoses - he has literally been reborn as a new man. Clash, clang, hammer; ding, dong, bell! In what ways did Louis XV differ from Louis XIV? His selfish ways have left him this way. Themes= greed and generosity/time. Of course, Dickens does use his trademark lengthy descriptions but nearly everything has a point. Stave 4 - in the rag 'n' bone man's shop Scrooge signed it. The ribbons are her means of dressing more festively. A Christmas Carol - quotation analysis Flashcards | Quizlet ', "Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it.". "Its genial face, its sparking eye, its open hand. Walled in by houses; overrun by grass and weeds. Stave 5 - pathetic fallacy Oh, glorious! Here, we get the image of a country that is united during this time of year; a place where Christmas and Britishness are inextricably linked, which would have been incredibly popular for a Victorian audience who were in the throws of empire building. He has learned his lesson and been transformed from darkness into light - which is reflected in the world around him. A Christmas carol key quotes Flashcards | Quizlet The adjectives: genial show his joy/ cheer, sparkling presents tense- has connotations of light and magic and open emphasises his generosity.Themes= greed and generosity/Christmas. Family Theme in A Christmas Carol | LitCharts For each of the following sentences, identify the subject of the verb in parentheses. A Christmas Carol - stave 2 Key Quotes Flashcards | Quizlet Stave 2 - Scrooge's response to the ghost saying that it was only a small thing that Fezziwig did. Stave 4 - About Scrooge's grave: Dickens though that this was wrong and aimed to change perception, 'Mankind was my business. "I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. His description of the setting suggests that poverty has bred crime and deep unhappiness. The spirit of Christmas is personified in his open heart, open hand, and outstretched arm. It is too much linked to his miserly ways thus suggesting that the learning is not finished yet. However, the verb 'profit' still has a hint of selfishness - as well as an implication of individual, even material, gain. The Christmas Spirit By Section Stave One: Marley's Ghost Stave Two: The First of the Three Spirits Stave Three: The Second of the Three Spirits Stave Four: The Last of the Spirits Stave Five: The End of It By Character Ebenezer Scrooge Bob Cratchit Fred Jacob Marley The Ghost of Christmas Past The Ghost of Christmas Present 'Long and wound about him like a tail made of cash-boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds and heavy purses.'. Description of the Ghost of Christmas Past, Stave 2, the holly symbolises Christmas. the adjective idle reveals scrooge believes the poor are lazy and are to be blamed for their own situation. I am sure we shall none of us forget poor Tiny Timshall weor this first parting that there was among us? The conditional subordinate clause represents Scrooge's future actions. PDF A Christmas Carol - Holy Trinity Academy, Telford Why show me this, if I am past all hope! For the first time, the hand appeared to shake. Watching Scrooge forge his own invisible chain served as part of Marley's punishment for his deeds in life. Describes Fred, who is a symbol of Christmas spirit. I am as giddy as a drunken man., Scrooge was better than his word. This compares directly with the explicit description of Scrooge at the start of the novel where even beggars will not speak to him. Shows Scrooge's inability to harness any other views that arent his. "If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child will die.". Quotes (A Christmas Carol) - GCSE English Literature Revision I can't afford to make idle people merry. 'a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner! The father of a long, long line of brilliant laughs. Scrooge hung his head to hear his own words and was overcome with penitence and grief. Themes= family/time/poverty. A Christmas Carol Key Quotes and Analysis. 'He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did NOT die, he was a second father. A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! but stopped at the first syllable', Repeated phrase (Juxtaposition and patterning), Stave 5: 'Hear me! Glorious!'. This is the image of rich men who are shown to ridicule Scrooge after his death.The rich are presented as unfeeling and callous- their physical ugliness reflects the lack of generosity in their spirits. His most famous saying is bah humbug. He used it as an exclamation when he wanted to express his displeasure about something. Christmas is now a time for family, friends and feeling good. The style of A Christmas Carol is conversational and direct. ". Refine any search. Only financial gain. The declarative 'will' conveys certainty showing how urgent it is that Scrooge change. People can change, but Scrooge has thus far been content with his situation. Ghost of Christmas Present, Stave 3, he warns that if Scrooge doesn't change himself that "doom" will be in his future. This is a great quote for highlighting the sort of character that Scrooge was in A Christmas Carol. The repetitive structure and short exclamations create the sense that he cannot put into words how happy he is. Whatever the genre. enthusiastic- "a merry Christmas uncle. However, inside that shell - like Scrooge - the oyster is soft and vulnerable. International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct,London, EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom, 2023 Book Analysis. 'No fog, no mist; clear, bright, jovial, stirring, cold; Golden sunlight; Heavenly sky; sweet fresh air; merry bells. Who suffers by his ill whims? These include Scrooges cold nature, the power of wealth, and loss. The Victorian's would have seen this as fitting. This quote from Fred shows him having opposing views to his uncle scrooge, Fred tries to make Scrooge someone who enjoys christmas however it is not him that makes scrooge appreciate it. This symbolises his generosity and air of festivity. Glorious! ', Stave 1: 'that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide; and if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. With key quotes \u0026 analysis, this video provides an ideal format to gain a greater understanding of this novella in a matter of minutes. He must have slept through a whole day and half a night. "I am sorry for him; I couldn't be angry with him if I tried. The happiness he gives is quite as great as if it costs a fortune. For example, the first ghost is a metaphor for how memories and the past shape ones experience, while the last ghost is a metaphor for death and ones legacy. Describes Fred, who is a symbol of Christmas spirit. What are some key quotes from A Christmas Carol explained? The verb sparkled has magical and positive connotations, shows Fred is the antithesis of scrooge. "His eyes sparkled and his breath smocked.". For characters like Fred and Bob Cratchit, Christmas represents the Christian ideal of goodness and moral prosperity, but Scrooge is at his most miserly when Christmas is mentioned. Both have religious connotations and suggest a true depth of despair at his previous notions. The ghost of Christmas yet to come is a symbol of the effect that memories have on someone as they age. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Version 1 December 2016 . The idea that anybody would be so callous about the dead is quite jarring and would have been especially impactful with a conservative Victorian readership. A foil is a character who contrasts with another character (usually the protagonist) in order to highlight particular qualities of the other character. The key theme for Dickens is that money does not lead to happiness, Greed is the single factor that is responsible for the breakup of Scrooge's marriage, 'Another idol has displaced me a golden one', Stave 2: 'The happiness he gives, is quite as great as if it cost a fortune', The Cratchit family are used as a depiction of a family in poverty, More than any other time in history there was a huge divide between classes, the lower classes lived in deperate poverty and were in want while the upper classes enjoyed a life of luxury, Stave 1: 'Many thousands are in want of common necessities, sir and many hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts', Scrooge's staff selling off his old goods, Victorian aristocracy were very keen to remain ignorant about the sufferings of the poor. Who suffers? He carried his own low temperature always about with him', 'No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him', 'It was cold, bleak, biting weather: foggy withal', 'Scrooge had a very small fire, but the clerk's fire was so very much smaller that it looked like one coal. Analysis. Stave 2 - Belle breaks off the engagement Then there are some of the settings contained in A Christmas Carol. I defy himif he finds me going there, in good temper, year after year, and saying, Uncle Scrooge, how are you? If it only puts him in the vein to leave his poor clerk fifty pounds, thats something. The repetition of the adjective 'good' reinforces this idea. Compare the different settings in "Grape Sherbet" Describe each setting using details from the poem. Example: The scientist, along with her two assistants, (is, are) working on a computer simulation of earthquake activity. - Scrooge, Is scrooges staple opinion to christmas at the start of stave one, showing off his negative opinions to begin with, this is used to emphasise the change in scrooges character from the beginning to the end. In Victorian times, most of the readers would have been christian and would therefore heap additional judgement on Scrooge who needs to repent. Stave 1 - description of Scrooge's relationship with Marley. You are changed. I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolboy. Stave 2 - Belle's husband tells Belle about seeing Scrooge. 'A Christmas Carol' Key Quotations Stave 5 Analysis Term 1 / 5 "I am light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolboy. '', Stave 3 - the ghost uses Scrooge's words against him when he asks where there is refuge for the children, ignorance and want. "He hoped the people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple and it might be pleasant for them to remember on Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see.". however, her reference to their father suggests that he had not been kind in the past, thus reinforcing our sympathy. "[He called out in a] comfortable,oily, rich. The noun phantom has negatives connotations in contrast to the more positive spirits - once again, warning scrooge of his fate if he doesn't change his ways. These cover themes like wealth, poverty, Christmas, and kindness. The boy is ignorace - the lack of education and the girl is want - the lack of money. A Christmas Carol is the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a stingy, cruel, wealthy, old bachelor.The book opens with a funeral. Dr Aidan, PhD, brings you the second video. Themes= time/Christmas/generosity and forgiveness. A Christmas Carol is a well-loved and commonly read novel that focuses on themes of Christmas and poverty. Stave 2 - the arrival of his sister, Fan Stave 4 - the final ghost Themes= greed and generosity/Christmas/poverty. Dr Aidan, PhD, provides you with key quotes and analysis relating to the theme of 'Christmas'. The verb 'shrouded' makes explicit reference to death which is reinforced by the 'deep black' of its clothes. The innocence of the 'angel' and the 'schoolboy' contrast with the hellish image of Marley's ghost, showing the reader that he will be saved. Themes= greed and generosity/ time. This is to illustrate to the rich that they can be part of the solution, Dickens was of the belief that things in society could change and this was something he wished to portray to people to ensure they didn't lose hope, Stave 2: 'I should like to be able to say a word or two to my clerk just now', Stave 4: 'Fear you more than any other spectre I have seen. This almost prompts a realization in Scrooge as he catches on to the fact that his wealth provides him (and indeed Fezziwig) with the power to make people happy. So, therefore, we should take responsibility for being a positive influence. Everyone is entitled to be a little happier on Christmas, and the Ghost of Christmas Present helps them to be so. The ghost of Christmas presents it sitting on a throne of food. If they would rather die, they had better do it and decrease the surplus population. Scrooge will avoid spirits for the rest of his life geddit? The entrance of Scrooge 's nephew Fred at the beginning of the story introduces another side to the miser. But, they were happy, grateful, pleased with one another and contented with the time. Throughout the book, Dickens makes use of metaphors, personification, imagery, and more. Such as the graveyard at the end. 2. This shows that scrooge is only hurting himself by being so money orientated it doesnt affect his family but does himself. 6. Gives the impression of a festive being, full of Christmas spirit. Stave 1 - Marley's ghost is distressed at Scrooge's suggestion that he was a 'good man of business'. The reader does not know that Tim has died, so Dickens foreshadows his death through the use of the simile. Part of the reason that A Christmas Carol is so widely studied is the abundance of different themes that it touches upon. I should like to have given him something: thats all., About the Fezziwig family: shaking hands with every person individually as he or she went out, wished him or her a Merry Christmas., Scrooge about Mr Fezziwig: The happiness he gives, is quite as great as if it costs a fortune., Belle to Scrooge: Another idol has displaced me., Belle about Scrooge: I have seen your nobler aspirations fall off one by one, until the master passion, Gain, engrosses you., Belles husband to Belle about Scrooge: Quite alone in the world, I do believe., There was nothing very cheerful in the climate or the town, and yet was there an air of cheerfulness abroad., About the Ghost of Christmas Present: Sprinkled incense on their dinners from his torch., About the Cratchits goose: a feathered phenomenon., There never was such a goose. The ghost of Christmas future symbolizes death and the mistakes that are sure to haunt him after his death. Hallo!" Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 5 So while he did not invent these particular traditions many people credit him with popularizing them. So we have tried where possible to focus on the most vital sections of the novella. Stave 3 - ignorance and want Thus Dickens is ending with the message that we can all change our selfish ways and be a positive influence. The image of the 'lonely boy near a feeble fire' reflects very closely the older Scrooge we have seen, alone eating gruel. Scrooge makes explicit reference to the Malthusian idea that the population must decrease in order to create better conditions. Fred, as Scrooge's foil, is a kind, forgiving character who is determined to give Scrooge the same chance every year. The simile has connotations of stillness and endings. ", 'A frosty rime was on his head, and on his eyebrows, and his wiry chin. He begins with no compassion for others but eventually learns a better way to live. On this page, readers can explore the quotes, they are broadly separated into a few sub-categories. Fred represents the spirit of Christmas and carries Dickens' message about collective responsibility and how we should treat one another. But as I know your purpose is to do me good, and as I hope to live to be another man from what I was, I am prepared to bear your company and do it with a thankful heart', Stave 1: 'He tried to say 'Humbug!' When he sees Tiny Tim and his jubilance despite his disadvantages, Scrooge cannot help but feel compassion and by association guilt, as he has seen from the effect Fezziwg had on his staff that he could have a similar influence on Tiny Tim. patience and hope fro them. Ignorance could represent the wealthy upper classes who are ignorant of what they must do to help. ". The onomatopoetic verb 'gasping' makes the reader explicitly imagine the death, suggesting struggle and pain. The chains are a metaphor for his punishment for his greedy life. A Christmas Carol is rarely classified as a gothic novel. Xmas Present - This makes scrooge realise that he needs to change or Tiny Tim will die young which is the one of the first stages of scrooges change. "Reeked with crime, and filth, and misery". Of course, the fact that this is obvious does not detract from the big reveal due to the way that Dickens masterfully creates tension. Scrooge's grave, by comparison to Tiny Tim's is 'overrun by weeds'. Here in this quote, one can see Dickens playing with literal and figurative meanings to great effect. Hes comparing Cratchits actual body temperature to Scrooges personality. said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with his own words. Stave 5 - Scrooge walks the streets enjoying the company of others. Hangman - Try to complete the word by picking the correct letters. sungiemarie. In this way, like a patient completing therapy, he has faced his past, but can now move on. A Christmas Carol quotes and analysis Flashcards | Quizlet Im sure you will all e familiar with the one percent statistic. Here, Scrooge is talking about Fezziwig and how he uses his wealth to lift others up. Fan is portrayed with affection - and her term of endearment shows that Scrooge has known affection. Pre-modified adjectives create a sensory description -they remind scrooge of the delights of generosity and how it will create happiness. ffects the change, pulling the curtains aside with his own hand. By this stage, Scrooge has already begun to see the error of his ways and has realised that he will benefit from the messages he is receiving and so he begins to take agency over the situation. "If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population." A Christmas Carol is a widely studied book filled with memorable quotes. "The happiness he gives, is quite as great as if it costs a fortune.". uses long and short clauses to show how busy they are. He spreads joy over all like a force of nature. In many ways the vision works like memory can do: it changes depending on perspectives or moods. Stave 3 - Tiny Tim Underline the word or symbol in parentheses that best completes each sentence. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach. Perfect for those studying the book at school (particularly GCSE students) or simply those wanting to learn more about it.For more in Dr Aidan's 'A Christmas Carol' series:The 10 Most Important Quotes in A Christmas Carol - credits: Grim Reaper: openclipart.comCornucopia: 35 Best Ebenezer Scrooge Quotes From 'A Christmas Carol' - Kidadl Themes= Christmas/greed and generosity/family. Whatever the book. Home Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol Best Quotes. There is a very real suggestion that Scrooge knows that the people are describing him. ", cynical- "what's Christmas time to you but a time for paying bills without money", Isolated- "secret and self-contained, and solitary like an oyster. However, how the poor were treated was far more extreme in Victorian England. One interesting feature of this stave relates to the fact that two people die in it: Scrooge and Tiny Tim: the richest and the poorest people in the book. The Christmas Spirit I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time the only time when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers. 'The Ghosts' in A Christmas Carol (Key Quotes & Analysis) 5 Quotes You Can Use To Analyse Poverty In A Christmas Carol And perhaps its because we know the story so well, or maybe because it is pretty obvious, most readers will probably understand that they are in fact commenting on Scrooge. Then write the form of that verb Stave 2 - The first of the three spirits Stave 2 - Scrooge becomes distressed by what he is seeing. A happy New Year to all the world. This brightly\underline{\text{brightly}}brightly lit room will be perfect for my art studio. Arguably, this is the most famous quote from A Christmas Carol. Themes= greed and generosity/ time. ``My little child!''. Without the ghost of Christmas future, Scrooge wouldve been unlikely to change. Dr Aidan, PhD, provides you with key quotes and analysis relating to the theme of 'Christmas'. It is through your support of visiting Book Analysis that we can support charities, such as Teenage Cancer Trust. External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. Marley 2. Along with the words, 'sole' and 'solitary' used throughout the novel to suggest that each individual must take responsibility for his own choices - just as Marley is paying for his individual sins. These include Scrooge's cold nature, the power of wealth, and loss. However, this in itself would probably not have been enough to alter his ways. My life tends that way, now., Bob Cratchit about Tiny Tims grave: I wish you could have gone. With in-depth analysis, this video aims. Themes= greed and generosity/Christmas. A Christmas Carol - Quotes and Analysis - Coggle Fezziwig's office has a large fire which adds to the welcoming atmosphere, offering the reader an additional opportunity to compare it to Scrooge's cold office with the meagre fire. Theme= poverty/greed and generosity. Hallo there! He is described as been so dislike that even the weather is better in that at least it 'comes down' gracefully. Jacob Marleys demise is possibly part of what shaped Scrooge into the person that he is. "Tonight, if you have aught to teach me, let me profit by it.". A merry Christmas to everybody! Scrooge's assertion that 'it is not my business' is challenged quickly by Marley's ghost whose view is that 'mankind' should have been his 'business. In the first stave of A Christmas Carol, the following quote is really important in characterizing Scrooge:.
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