what is a discord moderator

Discord Moderator It teaches you about community management and how to make good decisions. As such, Fast Messages filters should prevent offenders from sending messages; this can be done via a mute, kick or ban. Having expertise in all areas associated with being a Discord moderator will make it easier for potential employers to assess your candidacy during an official Discord moderator application process. Are there any rules already established? There are rate limits in place to stop bots from harming servers that can prevent deletion of individual messages if those messages are being sent too quickly. The message states that Discord will contact you with a link to the Discord Moderation Discord if youve passed the exam. A Discord raid is a sudden influx of trouble-makers on a server. User retention will decrease as well. Banned word filters often wont account for context, with an explicit blacklist. In addition, total engagement on your other channels may grow at a slower pace. Have you been a successful leader or manager before? The list of multi-faceted responsibilities that a good Discord moderator takes on, including running events and making sure the community runs smoothly, can be endless, and sometimes, thankless. Try joining groups specifically dedicated to moderating activity or helping new moderators get up-to-speed on their duties both online and offline if possible! It also includes being helpful and friendly towards newcomers, responding to questions quickly and accurately, following all rules set by mods or admins, and engaging with conversations between members. The exam answers found in the Discord Moderator Academy are valuable resources for anyone wanting to become a moderator. In this guide, youll learn how to get a Discord Moderator Badge. They provide insight into what is expected of moderators when it comes to moderating different types of chats and dealing with conflicts between users. WebDiscord is a messaging service that is intended for gamers. Introducing yourself to the server community is a crucial step in becoming a discord moderator. be a moderator on Discord Advanced content for deep dives into moderation that address overarching philosophy and strategy. Moderator bots can prevent or weaken raids too. In the community, youll be given opportunities to share feedback with the Discord team. They establish the rules for participating, can invite people to join, and oversee the health and well-being of their community. A good pair of headphones will help you hear the audio clearly, and can also be used to monitor your own voice during communication. Before configuring a filter, its a good idea to work out what is and isnt ok to say in your server, regardless of context. If accepted, they will usually provide details on what roles they expect moderators to take up and any other rules administrators want them to abide by. Are you passionate about maintaining order and enforcing rules in the online gaming community? Discord Moderator After youve completed the exam, youll see a success message that says Exam Complete!. In order to become a successful moderator, it is essential to understand the role of a Discord Moderator. Participate in discussions with other members and provide helpful advice when needed. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. This means following best practices, such as providing clear rules and guidelines to users, actively watching conversations to ensure they remain on-topic, responding quickly to any violations of the rules, and facilitating a fun environment for all participants. WebModeration: Requires the Manage Server permission. It is important to recognize, however, when a threat may not be truly dangerous. To become a successful discord moderator requires dedication to learning proper practices and implementing them when needed. In order to measure the efficacy of your verification system, you may need to use a custom solution to measure the proportion of people that pass or fail verification. WebModeration: Requires the Manage Server permission. Color of your embeds border, usually in hexadecimal or decimal. Spam, by definition, is irrelevant or unsolicited messages. Raid detection means a bot can detect the large number of users joining thats typical of a raid, usually in an X in Y format. Discord has long been one of the most popular chat applications used by gamers around the world. Currently, there isnt a strict set of requirements on how you can get the Discord moderator badge. Moderator Reading through existing threads can give you a better idea of what kind of conversations take place on the server so that you have an understanding of appropriate behavior while participating in these discussions. More Community Moderator Wachsman Remote in Miami, FL Estimated $62K - $78.5K a year Hi! To start the exam, click on the Next button. These countermeasures stop participants of a raid specifically from harming your server by preventing raiding users from accessing your server in the first place, such as through kicks, bans, or mutes of the users that triggered the detection.Damage prevention stops raiding users from causing any disruption via spam to your server by closing off certain aspects of it either from all new users, or from everyone. Screen recording software such as OBS, or Bandicam to record the screen or to do a voiceover. The @everyone role should have no permissions, the Verified role should have the permissions you would normally give to @everyone. This allows moderators greater ease when handling situations and ensures that everyone playing fairly abides by these set regulations. In conclusion, becoming a Discord moderator requires dedication and effort. Once accepted into the program, review all available resources related to moderation duties and work diligently at keeping peace within your assigned communities! Discord already allows slowmode to be set on a channel. That means that you should act maturely and set a good example for the community. DMA is a collection of resources written by moderators of some of Discords most prominent communities. WebThe Discord Moderator Ecosystem consists of different programs that work together to create a carefully cultivated environment where passionate users can learn from one another and bond over a shared respect for online moderation and all it encompasses. That said, being a member of the Discord Moderator Discord gets you one step closer to getting the badge. A large-sized image located below the Description element. Lastly, never forget about your responsibilities as a moderator; maintain proper conduct when dealing with users on the platform while ensuring all rules and regulations are followed. This includes enforcing rules, removing inappropriate content, and helping to resolve conflicts between members. The common forms are listed in the table above. WebBeing a moderator means more than just being hoisted at the top of the server and having a fancy color. Discord Moderator If you are the server owner, you can also enable the 2FA requirement for server moderators. What does it mean to be a moderator on Discord? Expert moderators face challenges too! These resources are for anyone seeking to learn more about the intricacies of community management and making sound moderation decisions. One method involves gating your server with verification appropriately, as discussed in DMA 301.You can also supplement or supplant the need for verification by using a bot that can detect and/or prevent damage from raids. Verification ActionsOnce you decide whether you want to add or remove a role, you need to decide how you want that action to take place. Time that the embed was posted. bbnoflus Is looking for a discord Moderators job! It's essential to take these factors into account while choosing a Discord server since they play an important role in determining whether or not it'll make a suitable home base for moderators like yourself. This can make administration and moderation of your server much easier. To that end, positive specific feedback is one of the best ways to let someone know that they did a good job and what exactly it was that they did well. Good participation on the server will help you stand out from other potential candidates when applying for mod roles. There may also be channels that allow the usage of otherwise banned words. Learn how to use basic chat commands such as muting and banning users, setting channel permissions, etc., so that you can moderate efficiently. By taking steps such as these, one can easily make themselves known among their peers as someone who takes pride in maintaining order on their servers - something every good Discord needs! WebAs a moderator, you spend your free time helping the server, so let your fellow moderators know you appreciate that they chose this as their hobby. You should also join popular servers related to your interests so you can become familiar with the platform's features while introducing yourself to potential employers. They can do things like moderate or delete messages, as well as invite, ban, or To do this, its important to focus on what moderators are expected to do: help others and maintain order within the community. Showcase yourself as someone who is patient, has strong communication skills, and understands how to work with people from different backgrounds or opinions. WebModerators are seen as role models for the server. When looking to become a discord moderator, making yourself an active member of the community is key. Subset filters are still a good thing for your anti-spam filter to contain as you may wish to punish more or less harshly depending on the spam. The list of multi-faceted responsibilities that a good Discord moderator takes on, including running events and making sure the community runs smoothly, can be endless, and sometimes, thankless. Once you receive the invitation to become a Discord moderator, it's time to accept the challenge and get started. How many members visited and communicated? Administrators are the people who create Discord servers around specific interests. Discord Moderator To be successful in your quest to become a discord mod, it's important that you prove your commitment and continue to contribute positively to the server. While many servers will use catch-all filters to make sure links stay in specific channels, some links will always be malicious. The first part of the exam requires you to provide your contact information. Discord Moderator A Banned words filter can catch links and invites provided http:// and https:// are added to the word blacklist (for all links) or specific full site URLs to block individual websites. The first part of the curriculum is the Basics. WebMany times, moderators are one of the first people to greet you when you join a community, making you feel at home as soon as you enter. Being a Discord Moderator is an important job. There is also no guarantee that people who send a message after clicking to read the verification instructions successfully verified. Youll need to be evaluated based on your skills first. How many new members successfully activate on their first day? WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. Understanding all of the features, functions and guidelines of the Discord platform. Questions focus on topics such as conflict resolution and communication techniques. In addition, discord.gg can be added to a blacklist to block ALL Discord invites.A Banned Words filter is integral to running a public server, especially if its a Partnered, Community or Verified server, as this level of auto moderation is highly recommended for the server to adhere to the additional guidelines attached to it. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. If you think youre doing a good job at moderating your server, youll be qualified to obtain the Discord Moderator Badge. Discord Moderator Discord Moderator In this article, Ill share some tips on how to become a successful Discord Moderator. The measurement and expected results of each community engagement campaign will vary based on the exact nature of the campaign. The Discord Moderation Discord is a community of moderators that share their knowledge and support one another. If you are looking to become a Discord moderator, one of the first steps is finding an appropriate Discord server that meets your criteria. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities.