what disease did, bokuto have in another life

A mere two minutes outside had turned into two hours. He said lightheartedly, his fingers trembling around his phone. He touched at it lightly, twirled it shakily between his fingers, and studied it, but he never ate it. He then turned his attention to Akaashi. Show him a movie or play a game with him that would result in him to calm down quickly. He held his breath, then proceeded to ask again. Akaashi took a glance out the window, only to instantly throw on his clothes and toss his bag over his shoulders. "How did he look?" 61.7K 2.6K 3.9K. "I don't think I want to ask about the symptoms of this illness.". Swiftly, Akaashi closed the window, having gathered just enough snow off the edge for him to show to Bokuto. Akaashi rose from his seat to enter the room, but instead found Bokuto standing at the door in seconds, his eyes wide with surprise. Take a seat." Why did he lack the understanding of just how serious his condition was? "Fine by me! The pain seared itself into his soul, hindering him, rendering him speechless to a point where he no longer knew what words were. externally i'm smiling probably because i'm trying to hide all those FEELS. Weakly, Akaashi parted his lips. "Are you tired?". He studied the small needle that was lodged into Bokuto's forearm, eyed the thin tube that was attached to this, and followed it up to the bag of IV fluid that hung above his head. "I know." But sometimes, he wouldn't answer certain questions, despite Akaashi asking them twice. "I know that I'm unbearable. Once it did, Akaashi was greeted with a, "Hello?". The room was dark, apart from the soft orange glow that his lamp gave off. ", "It's fine. His head hung low, and his attention belonged only to the handheld system that entertained him. All he wanted was to see Bokuto again, even if just for a second. a while back in the story when bokuto was still alive, he told akaashi that he hoped that in another life, he'd be able to find akaashi again so that they can be together forever, hence why he said "i found you" :((, So i think there r two possible meanings of the ending so. It's another reason why I didn't want to pay Bokuto any visits." I loved this. Not great, but alright. With a heavy heart, he spoke. 42766 guests Statistics Chart He glowered at nothing in particular. ", Akaashi nearly scoffed. "Thank you." He dreamt of how Bokuto had buried himself into the navy blue blanket to watch the movie that played on the laptop screen, and how he held Bokuto in his arms that night to aid him in his attempt to sleep. ok look. He looked around and moved his fingers, trying to make out a phone. Bokuto looked exhausted beyond belief, yet there he stood, excited to make his way to the gymnasium. "What's it called?" He lay on his back, with his head on some of Akaashi's pillows. "I hadn't noticed that one was rolling in." Getting into the groove, Akaashi follows his routine of preparing for school. He did the only thing that he could and nodded again, then closed his eyes, and slightly turned his head away. He kept his head down and played the fool, pretending he didn't see Akaashi. That's all?" "I have to go, Bokuto." "Hey- hey!" 3) Akaashi died in the end, and meets Bokuto in the afterlife. He couldn't sleep for about an hour after the text, but ultimately slipped off to sleep. ", "Because it's three in the morning and I want to fit some sleep into my schedule. 75. Thank you for reading, it means a lot that you've read through my work! He looked down at Bokuto's phone. "Five weeks ago, he was in shambles. "Don't apologize.". I can't Sl..eep. The sound of someone cautiously moving their arm when they didn't wish to wake someone. (31) 3351-3382 | 3351-3272 | 3351-3141 | 3351-3371. puppies for sale in nc under 200 associe-se. He whispered softly, his voice shaking in his throat. When he exhaled, a puff of smoke left him. "Ah, I've finally said something funny." The black haired male bounced the ball again and walked over to position. "He does. He let it fall over his stomach, and there it rested. They shared each other's company in silence for what felt like the length of five minutes, and in that time, Akaashi never once looked to the side to catch a glimpse at Kuroo. Ridiculous." ", "I hope so. ], [They think I'm interning. The soft touch of Akaashi's hair against his chin comforted Bokuto, and pulled him into a relaxed state. In Another Life ending? : r/haikyuu - reddit He just didn't want to accept it. Akaashi closed his eyes and heaved out a sigh, feeling more and more hopeless with each passing second. Think that I'm beautiful?" Why must I always run into the strange ones? "He turned twenty only three months ago", Akaashi lowered his head. "They aren't really there." That was, until he saw a familiar face. Above, the clouds were dense, and they gathered quickly, casting a dark shroud over Akaashi's path. Bokuto only complied and stuck his entire arm out instead, watching as each individual snowflake passed around his limb, as if none wanted to touch him. Akaashi stared at Bokuto, opened his mouth to say something, but found that he couldn't form even one simple word. "So Three hours is nothing." With much effort, he sat up to look at Bokuto. "I know." He felt his heart rate accelerate, and his throat tightened as his vision blurred. The black haired male looked up from his hands. He could practically hear the frown in his voice. " Is that why you came here? With this, he raised a quivering hand and his index finger. Akaashi's face buried into the crook of his neck. texas rule of civil procedure 99. largest staffing companies in the us 2021; moorabool news editor; romaji practice sentences; menards swing set accessories; what city produces the most nfl players; "I'm fine." FFI?" That night, he dreamt of the first night Bokuto had come over his home. "It doesn't matter if you've never met Bokuto before, or if you haven't seen him in ten days, or ten weeks, or ten months, or ten years. "I'm taking it well, or at least I think I am. ", Akaashi's eyes squinted to the words, and he leaned forward in shock. Akaashi.". "So we were going to step outside for a minute or two in order to get this owl to shut up.". "But why?" "No. He kept his weary yellow eyes on Akaashi, waiting for him to nod. All he had to offer was a, "The pleasure is mine," before moving forward to try and usher Bokuto back into his room. Akaashi stood from his seat and walked to the windowsill. Looking down swiftly, Akaashi's sights locked onto his hands. In his silence, Bokuto wept to himself, fat tears rolling down his cheeks in numbers. "Don't worry about it." so this is basically a bokuaka au where bokuto and akaashi meet at a hospital and bokuto has this disease which they haven't found a cure for yet. From the background of the video, a low voice could be heard. littleluxray's writing style is absolutely amazing and i can see why several people love this. They don't pay much attention to me anyways!". Akaashi couldn't find any words to say at that moment. What was he to say? (does that make sense?). He reached a hand out and took Bokuto's hand in his own. "I am. "I come to visit and I'm barely paid attention to, but when he comes along, he's given the whole package? I can't eat. Kuroo was just as bitter. He instead allowed his actions to speak for him. One of the voices belonged to Bokuto. Akaashi frowned. His breathing evened out and in no time, he could feel himself slipping, slowly, into the warm grasp of sleep, unable to resist. Shut him out, don't let him in. He'd realized just how rude that was, falling asleep so easily in front of a person who's biggest struggle was just that. It was difficult, however, as each time he tried to drift off to sleep, that unnerving fear of having the same dream would jerk him back awake. In another life, help : HaikyuuMemes - reddit It hurt him to think that Bokuto had barely even experienced the joys of a young adult's life before that crippling disease had taken a hold of him. A grin ghosted across Akaashi's lips as well, but it was quick to vanish. Bokuto stood at the side of Akaashi's bed. It had been three days since Bokuto's passing, and surely enough, sleep did not come to Akaashi as easily as it used to. Bokuto plopped onto the mattress right after those words, bumping his head against Akaashi's shoulder. You'll still be the best. Akaashi realized that those smiles he'd seen before were smiles of denial forced grins that tried desperately to trick Bokuto into thinking that everything would be fine. "I would hope so." Akaashi's head slumped to the side, in Bokuto's direction. It was then that he started to inaccurately press at words that he was trying to make out. Bokuto was bursting with emotion. Akaashi exhaled quickly through his nose, making a sound that was almost like a laugh. ", A laugh escaped Bokuto, the sound curling his lips into a smile. In an attempt to move, he tapped his fingers against his legs at an impatient pace. He took in a slow, deep breath and closed his eyes, and his eyebrows knit together for only a second. Akaashi had to wait almost a minute for Bokuto's response. That he wasn't another one of those illusions his mind would create. It would hurt if he did. Akaashi lifted himself onto his elbows. Hesitating, he turned, pivoting on one foot to stare back at the small one who sat by his lonesome. Bokuto's smile never left his face, and his tired eyelids contradicted his facial expression. He had to force himself to say the mere four words. He's sick. His heart beat a mile a minute, he found it difficult to swallow, and one of his legs bounced up and down rapidly. "Yeah. Over the span of the six days, Akaashi found that the only things Bokuto could manage to swallow were small snacks, like grapes, ice cubes, and Pocky Sticks that were specifically strawberry flavored. Akaashi's eyebrows knit together. Akaashi didn't want to bring up the fact that Bokuto probably would no longer possess the ability to walk by the time any snow did get a chance to fall, so he kept his mouth shut. "It's nice to meet you, Kozume. A small thumb rubbed at the system's screen to remove a smudge. The hospital AU that no body asked for, but that I took upon myself to write. His green eyes then fell to study his paling skin; his veins were easily noticeable now, and they bulged from beneath his flesh whenever he moved. "There is no known cure, huh?" Sucking his teeth, Bokuto pulled the blanket up to just beneath his chin. "That was your idea of a joke?". The sound of rain pelting hard against the window snapped Akaashi back into reality. I couldn't stop, even if I tried. A hand tugged at his shirt weakly. Out in the dead of night stood Bokuto, with the burgundy knit scarf around his neck, a jacket, jeans, and slippers. He ascended the steps to his room, balled his no Bokuto's blanket up into a lump, and dropped it onto his bed along with the scarf. He placed it on the counter near his bedside and buried himself into the blanket that he had so openly shared with Bokuto. He stared at Bokuto and found it difficult to look away. He was nothing more than a blanket with a head. [deleted] 2 yr. ago [removed] He then reached out and took hold of Bokuto's arm to help him back to the bed. Such an energetic texter, Bokuto was. "It's been over three hours, actually. He shut his eyes and squeezed his palm. "Let's just go.". "Let's go then. He turned his head in the opposite direction, facing Akaashi now. "You don't like to see him like that, do you?". The light that came from outside reflected off of Bokuto's teardrops, lighting his face up in the most gentle of ways. Kuroo finally left the room after four minutes or so, having forgotten that he was supposed to leave in the first place. As he walked, he stared at the backs of the two men in front of him. Please consider turning it on! Akaashi squirmed in discomfort. Sunlight broke into the room, cascading all along the walls and floor, and casting shadows all around. ", "I Don't know." Akaashi pointed down the road. "About three hours." Ones that said, He's not dying. Bokuto was very different from everyone else Akaashi had ever met before him. "More like acquaintances. He wasted no time ascending the steps needed to get to the part of the hospital where he'd almost reached all that time ago. I, personally, don't cry at a lot of stuff (I just feel sad), and it's different from person to person. "I refuse to go. He watched as Bokuto's chest rose and fell with each breath that kept him alive. Bokuto turned his head, the pillow crumpling under his neck. Akaashi managed to say, staring out into the distance. Slowly, he reached a hand out and closed it over the twitching one, his four fingers fitting into Bokuto's palm. If you love sci-fi shows, then there is one thing you have in common with Netflix.In the plethora of content that it releases every month, the streaming service seems especially invested in the sci-fi genre. The day was exceptionally cold, but Akaashi was glad to know that the hospital's room provided enough heat to keep Bokuto from freezing over. Sleep well, Akaashi! Akaashi scowled. He started on his way. They shared the same navy blue knit blanket and huddled up beneath it, keeping each other warm in the best way that they could. He wore a confused expression, wondering just what the other had meant by that word. He didn't want to. Which makes this review sound negative, BUT!! It had been some time since Akaashi set foot into that hospital. [Yeah! His hands twitched once, and he moved closer, leaning into Bokuto's touch. Unknown to Bokuto, he watched him quietly through almost closed eyelids, his thick lashes being enough to hide the fact that he was still awake. "I was drowning." He held his face against the corpse's neck, just beneath the jawline, breathing in all that was left of Bokuto. "Of course." "I guess you can Just as long as you're feeling better. He pressed send and watched the phone carefully, waiting for the small ellipses to appear on the lower left side of the screen. I was shouting, but no sound came out. ", Akaashi clenched his jaw behind a mildly irritated face. He turned his head to the side, towards Bokuto's. I loved this. Kenma didn't give him a chance to respond. No!" "You've had two panic attacks this week already, and your hallucinations are getting worse. Pointing a finger down the hall, a small assistant nurse directed Akaashi to a different desk, one where he would be able to find more information on the subject. I had no power over it whatsoever. Bokuto asked aloud, finally pulling his hands from his hood pockets. He looked up and grinned, and waved wildly in Akaashi's direction. He almost portrayed the behaviors of a child, sticking to an activity and refusing to let it up, repeating whatever he was up to without having anyone to tell him to stop. Akaashi murmured the words and looked Bokuto up and down. Stretching out a trembling arm, Akaashi took hold of Bokuto's hand. From: Bokuto (Sent July 29th at 11:56 PM). Akaashi placed the box back onto the counter and huffed softly. He didn't know how to react, didn't know what to do or say, but as he searched for the right words to speak, or the right thing to do, Akaashi found himself doing something he didn't expect of himself. text me when you're finished! He watched Bokuto intently, curious to know what his answer would be. He commented softly, leaning back in his seat. "I'm fine. Reading it at 3am didn't help either because I was just crying in front of my phone screen until the sun rose. I know Im asking for spoilers but I still want to know the anticipation is killing me! He started down the hall, sighing heavily, intent on rushing home. So please Let me have this.". "I would stay if it were up to me. Pretty much the only thing wrong with me is that I can't sleep!]. Short description of the movie (from Google): Six individuals belonging to different generations go on an emotional ride while exploring how human actions impact the lives of their loved ones in this ever-changing world. "Of course! Akaashi pursed his lips in frustration, but this look quickly vanished as a small laugh fell from his lips. Akaashi didn't even have to see his face to know that Bokuto was beaming. Akaashi shrugged. He already knew. Why the hell did this have to happen to him? He was thinner than before, a large flannel shirt fitting him loosely. Having been neck deep in his own sorrows, Kuroo was blind to Akaashi's. Not me llorando a la 1am por culpa de esto. In another life. Akaashi opened the first movie that he had in his computer's memory. Does someone remember the name of the movie that Bokuto and - Quora ", "He's genuine, kind, and at times, infantile, but that's what makes him so Likeable, I suppose. From his peripheral, Akaashi could see their hand reaching out to him. He held his hand up in a "peace sign", and the video ended with him on screen. Bokuto gazed at Akaashi, almost in wonder. His eyes gave away just how much he missed his friend. Akaashi moved his head to the side and touched his forehead to Bokuto's neck. He was staring outside at the white clouds that shrouded the skies, mesmerized by just how colorless it made everything seem. "One, maybe two months at most, if I'm lucky. From: Kuroo (Sent January 31st at 2:25 PM), [Things could be better. what disease did, bokuto have in another life Akaashi watched closely as Bokuto mouthed and typed the name. Akaashi let out a half-assed grunt and continued to stare forward. He drew in a deep breath and blinked away the stinging in his eyes. "I could ask you the same thing" Akaashi's lips screwed to the side. Akaashi placed it in between his fingers, and Bokuto retracted his hand to hold the biscuit snack against himself. It's why I didn't want to come along. Akaashi shifted in his seat, now timid. Akaashi figured that Bokuto would keep to himself for the rest of the night, so he put his focus back to trying to sleep. The sky burned a strong, orange glow as the sun set in the distance. He didn't want to be the one to say no to someone who had little to nothing left in his life. Kuroo didn't seem surprised in the slightest. He wanted healthy friends that he could talk to on a regular basis, not one sick friend who he'd have to invest personal and emotional time into. "Why do you watch me like that?" Akaashi raised his eyebrows. "Keep doing what you're doing." what disease did, bokuto have in another lifeturkish airlines flight 981 victims. But no matter how much he worried for him, Akaashi continued on their way to the window at a slow and steady pace until they finally made it. Covid and farm animals: nine pandemics that changed the world "Look at me, it's going to be fine." It felt strange, not falling asleep against Bokuto's body, but Akaashi knew that he would have to get used to this form of sleeping by his lonesome once again. Because of the nightmare? During the next day, Akaashi decided to stay home. He leaned back in his chair. In time, Kuroo and Kenma found that it was time for them to make their way back home. "Goodbye.". He could sense the heavy amount of reluctance in each movement that Bokuto's hand carried out. "Didn't that come off as remotely funny? "All of this is so- ugh. That had been one of Bokuto's worst attacks yet. He wanted to know if it was real or not. I do.". He was getting frustrated. "Nope." Out there, the sickly one trembled like a new born animal, even with the extra jacket that Akaashi had offered him. Obeying with hesitance, Bokuto shifted towards Akaashi and lay against him, fitting into the curve of his arm. Akaashi continued to read on. There's a storm coming. His movements were uncoordinated and slow, and the only sounds he could manage were meek and most of the time inaudible. It had been sent two hours ago. It was then that Bokuto's eyes blinked in realization, and slowly but surely, he moved his lips to answer. His eyelids drooping and then snapping open again, Bokuto made a small sound. He didn't care. Such a task as easy as swallowing was now a problem for Bokuto, too, and after many failed attempts at keeping his food down, or getting it to go down in the first place, the nurses found it would be best if Bokuto received nourishment the only other way possible, and that was through a tube. I don't want to read them. "Do you think you can toss to me?". He'd brought along a volleyball of his own, just in case they weren't provided with any. Akaashi looked up from his phone after sending the message and turned his head to notice that Bokuto was once again staring at him with acute interest. "Yes?" Dissociative disorders - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic Kuroo rubbed the lower part of his face with his hand. "I don't Know much about this Disease. Before then, he would normally lose several pounds a week, but ever since the night he'd snuck out, his weight loss could only be described as alarming. He'd nodded off for a brief moment, with his arms crossed and his head resting on a thick bundle of pillows. Akaashi pulled his arms in close, wrapping the sheets around himself. ", Akaashi scratched his head. His phone was there. He leaned his chin against the palm of his hand and chortled. He didn't care if it was seven at night, or eight at night, or twelve in the morning, or if the world's clock stopped moving altogether. They don't know how to H-heal me, so" From beneath the blanket, Akaashi could see Bokuto's shoulders rise and fall. He wanted the thought to leave his mind. Akaashi sat at the edge of Kuroo's bed, and he stared out the window without focus. The air around Akaashi thickened, and suddenly he found it difficult to breathe. He looked at him and exhaled through his nose quietly. He was ecstatic. "Shit- shit." Akaashi shared a bench with Kenma. "I know You hate hosp-itals. My sister told me to read it, since I really don't cry. His yellow eyes stared at the screen intently. Don't worry about it.". Akaashi squeezed his hands together to keep them from shaking uncontrollably. "I still miss it though. Bokuto beamed at him with a smile that spoke a thousand words, and his hand reached out to touch Akaashi's cheek. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. To this, he shifted in closer and allowed his body to relax. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, Bokuto rubbed the back of his neck. Bokuto didn't make a sound. Hang in there, alright? He just hoped that the night wouldn't bring him any malevolent dreams. Akaashi stared intensely at the screen, then tore his gaze away and looked back to Bokuto. I can probably reschedule], [Nah, it's alright! "Well then, if you had a second chance" Akaashi hesitated. "Yeah." Very happy to have met you. Akaashi doubted that he'd ever have Bokuto over again, so hearing him say 'I'll have to watch it again,' didn't sit too well with him. He pulled and tugged at them restlessly. It seemed that, after finally hearing his pent up thoughts aloud, they had frayed his nerves more than he thought they would.