nayarit mexico cartel shooting

Rather, it was an organization that not only controlled drug trafficking in Nayarit between 2011 and 2017, but also established close ties with much of the states political elite. Durazo did not initially specify whether authorities arrested Guzmn or let him go. 'The cartels are not just a U.S.-Mexico problem I think the way most people see them,' a former Texas Public Safety officer said. WebOn June 6, 2021, a series of confrontations between alleged members of organized crime and members of the National Guard in the Tepic area of Nayarit state left at least three [1] With any case against Cienfuegos now reliant on the information available to the Mexican prosecutors officewhich, just days before Cienfuegos release, issued an arrest warrant for a former governor of Nayarit also accused of cooperation with the H-2 Cartelit would seem that the Narco-Nayarit connection has never been more worthy of serious analysis. Mexico Drug cartels have hung the bodies of victims from overpasses before as a message to rivals or authorities, but seldom do so with members of law enforcement. If this had been a lone shootout in this city of 300,000 people, residents might have written it off as a fluke and moved on. ", Mexico Seems To Favor Sinaloa Cartel In Drug War. Indeed, Nayarit is Mexicos second biggest exporter of mangoes, and primary producer of tobacco. The H-2 Cartel was not some minor group that somehow managed to bribe the countrys top security official. Nayarits transformation to an estado narco was tied up with the long history of PRI control in the state, and, more specifically, with the nature of Roberto Sandoval Castaedas tenure as state governor between 2011 and 2017which not coincidentally overlapped with General Cienfuegos term as Secretary of Defense during the PRIista administration of President Pea Nieto, from 2012 to 2018. Staff hustled us into hidden rooms behind the kitchens. Posts may contain strong violent material, discretion is advised. For the past month, a shot up pick-up truck has rested here. And at the same time, Patrn Snchez rose up within the ranks of the Beltrn Leyva organization, taking full command of the group after Hctor Beltrn Leyva was arrested in 2014, thus expanding his personal influence beyond Nayarit into parts of Sinaloa, Jalisco, Colima and Guerrero. Zacatecas sits between the drugs production and its consumers. It would seem that the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, who now moved into Nayarit, Just five weeks later, however, Veytia miscalculated or was perhaps himself betrayed and on one of his twice-monthly trips to San Diego to visit his family was detained at the US border. Gulf Cartel Based in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, it started in 1920. Mexican drug kingpin gunned down by military helicopter The shootings were the latest chapter in drug gang violence that has sullied the reputation of Mexico's Caribbean coast as a once-tranquil oasis. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The story of the Narco-Nayarit connection therefore illustrates both the deadly consequences of official corruption in the context of the modern Mexican drug war, and also the dangers of assuming that, in the same context, a pax mafiosa can ever be truly peaceful.. WebPuerto Vallarta and Nayarit on alert after army kills cartel leader April 23, 2022 9447 Sal N El Chopas, leader of the Jalisco Nueva Generacin Cartel (CJNG) and accused of There was panic, said a 21-year-old man, the oldest of five siblings. And all this he accomplished, it is alleged, through embezzlement of state funds, extorsion of businesses, overseeing kidnapping for ransom and seizures of land and property, and, of course, close collaboration with drug traffickers. Web15 Murdered in Tepic Carwash. By Gerardo 10/28/2010 12:02:00 AM 6 comments. Nor were skirmishes between rival traffickers, and the killing of state officials on the orders of organized crime, unheard of in the state. "It's worth the effort to continue on with this fight," Calderon said. just terrible.cowards! Most of them hail more specifically from the town of Xalisco, just outside the state capital of Tepic, where opium gum from Nayarits mountains was processed into black tar heroin and then sent off north for distribution and sale. Some people were locked in the supermarket for more than a hour. One month after the June 24 killings, there have been no arrests. Indeed, it would appear that their collective successes were sufficient to attract the attention of Mexicos Secretary of Defense, General Cienfuegos Zepeda, who decided he wanted a share for himself. [1] Benjamin Smith, The Rise and Fall of Narcopopulism: Drugs, Politics, and Society in Sinaloa, 19301980, Journal for the Study of Radicalism, ii (2013) Semipresencial en Madrid, Espaa, Maestra en 'Data Management' e Innovacin Tecnolgica 100% en lnea. Nayarits transformation to an , Rarely seen in public without a sombrero and an embroidered Wixrika shoulder bag, Sandovals self-proclaimed peoples government undertook numerous eye-catching projects, such as building a public sports and concert arena (which soon flooded), huge water-capture tanks in the poor outskirts of Tepic (which were never connected to the local water supply), and a sports center shaped like a giant cowboy hat. Sam Quinones. "People were yelling, 'They're shooting! Armed kids shine light on Mexico's drug cartel violence 06:40. Residents abandoning cars and burning vehicles are seen on multiple roads. WebA bullet-ridden sport utility vehicle was taken away after a gun battle with Mexican marines in which an alleged regional drug cartel leader was killed in Nayarit state. Then, in February 2020, and apparently on the basis of evidence given by Veytia as part of a sentencing deal, the U.S. State Department indicted Sandoval, alleging he had misappropriated state assets and received bribes from narcotics trafficking organizations, including the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) [and] the Beltran Leyva Organization. On 13 November, at the same time as the Mexican government was pressing for the release of General Cienfuegos in the US, the Mexican prosecutors office issued a warrant for Sandovals arrest on charges of embezzlement, graft and corruption. His name was added to INTERPOLs red list, while Mexican President Lpez Obrador urged him to turn himself in and face justice although to date his whereabouts remain unknown. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The brothers accused El Chapo of betrayal, and this triggered a bloody vendetta. El Chapo has been in jail for more than a year Credit: Getty - Contributor. In relation to the events raised on federal highway 200 near the town of Guayabitos in the municipality of Compostela, members of the Mexican Army, Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC), National Guard and Municipal Police, are responding , announced the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection in Nayarit. [4] But violence related to the drug trade only began to surge in Nayarit after President Calderns 2006 declaration of war on the nations cartels. There is anxiety and uncertainty not knowing where to find safety for your family, said Ramos, Valparasos mayor, who was just re-elected to a third term. Breaking News: Shootout between alleged hitmen and the military A federal grand jury in New York City charged with conspiracy to manufacture, distribute, import and distribute heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana between 2013 and 2017. Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; Ultimately, Veytias incomplete attempt to deliver the state directly into the hands of the CJNG unleashed a new wave of local violence. BBC News - Mexico gang shootout in Nayarit state kills 28 Star Newspapers Limited and/or its licensors. The Mexico Violence Resource Project is a collaborative effort housed at UC San Diegos Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies. All All the businesses locked their doors, Garcia says. The , While it is too early to know the full story, according to court documents Cienfuegos advised Patrn Snchez about US investigations into his activities; as alerted him to the presence of informants within his organization (which led Patrn Snchez to order at least one murder); and made sure his subordinates in the Mexican security forces refrained from interfering in the H-2 cartels, However mutually beneficial the relationships had been, in 2017 the alliance between Patrn Snchez, Veytia, Sandoval and Cienfuegos fell apart in truly spectacular fashion. The difference between a state being a venue for drug production, trafficking, and conflicts between rival cartels, and one in which the cartels have actually taken control of the local authorities (or in which the authorities have in fact become narcos themselves), is an inherently political one. Shortly after the confrontation, gunmen some wearing black masks took off on a rampage, driving through the city in trucks firing heavy caliber weapons. Country Summary: Violent crime such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery is widespread and common in Mexico. Mexicos armed forces delivered a spectacular blow on Thursday night against one of the countrys leading drug cartels when an Apache helicopter rained down machine gun fire on a residence in the Pacific resort of Nayarit where the leader of the Beltrn Leyva organization was holed up, killing him and seven members of his organization. Residents said he had been helping them get electricity back after an armed group cut the power to some ranches. The Beltrn Leyva organization were Sinaloans who had once controlled trafficking in Nayarit and several other areas of western Mexico as part of the wider Sinaloa cartel, until a violent break with El Chapo Guzmn and his allies in 2008the same year that Sandoval and Veytia assumed positions in Tepics municipal government. And the killing continued the next day. 12 dead after gunmen open fire on customers and staff at bar in Sam Quinones has revealed that the traffickers who dominate the heroin trade in the US Midwest are all predominantly from Nayarit. While some of the victims of Veytia and Sandovals reign of terror have recently been able to come forward with their stories of kidnappings, disappearances, and torture, such truth telling is cold comfort to those who have been affected by the even deadlier violence that has wracked Nayarit in the years since Veytias detention in the United States. But shootings like this have become common as the Sinaloa cartel fights members of the Beltran-Leyva organization for control of Tepic. For years, attention focused on violence along Mexicos northern border in cities like Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez and Nuevo Laredo. He used his power to amass enormous landholdings and expand his own personal ranching operations. Last Wednesday, he announced a special strategy to address the cities with the most murders, among them Fresnillo: more military presence and more social development. On the morning of Saturday, March 20th, a violent shootout was reported in the town of Rincn de Guayabitos, which mobilized the municipal, state as well as federal authorities, who arrived in support of the military personnel coming under attack by armed civilians. Nayarit put the safety of the state in the hands of organized crime and in the short term, it worked.. Government forces guard the entrance of hotel after an armed confrontation on Thursday near Puerto Morelos, Mexico. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. His sons have reportedly taken over the Sinaloa drug cartel, considered Mexico's most powerful organized crime syndicate. In Nayarit, he declared, there was no room for organized crime.. Smoke from burning cars rises in Culiacn, Mexico, on Thursday, after an intense gunfight between security forces and gunmen linked to the Sinaloa drug cartel.