eight of swords friendship

In light of this, change your belief system. . The fact is you do have choices, even if you do not like them. The limits of love and friendship should protect your emotions, not leave them vulnerable. The striking element that's on the woman is the blindfold covering her eyes. Eight of Swords Reversed The dreaded "trapped!" card. Read tarot cards? You may be over-thinking things, creating negative patterns or limiting yourself by only considering the worst-case scenario. Theyre both valuable experiences; its how we define them that is the source of unwanted pain. It signifies relieving pressure, releasing anxiety and facing fears and truths. Swords (Air) + Cups (Water) = balancing the head and the heart. The "Eight of Swords" in the Tarot stands for restrictions, confusion and powerlessness.This minor arcana card displays a feeling of being stuck in your mundane life, along with struggles in near future. The Eight of Swords reversed is your cosmic reminder that you are the author of your own story and the creator of your own reality. Perhaps it was in your childhood or prior to a recent breakup. When there are many cards from the suit of Cups with the Eight of Swords, emotional confusion is keeping you stuck somewhere. Sometimes, this card can suggest a new job or position that you have attained, one that allows you to realize your full potential. When the Eight of Swords is reversed, there is a tendency to rationalize, justify and project blame onto others. Make sure you are prepared to handle an unexpected bill or pay cut. There are 8 swords behind her, buried with their points in the ground. Many eights in a reading suggest a strong, positive change in your life. 4 colors represent the 4 elements, and a rainbow represents universal energy, creating a simple framework for reading. The Eight of Swords is often associated with a victim mentality. Be open to finding the answer rather than getting stuck on the problem. Our app teaches you with simple, easy to use exercises while exploring our academy. This Minor Arcana card can also signify a relationship in crisis, drama, dilemmas and negativity so your relationship may not be in a great place at the moment. Often we dont see the forest for the trees and limit ourselves too much with the same solution strategies. As with the upright version, if the job is making you that unhappy, you need to realise that you can walk away if you choose to. Life might seem tough right now but just remember that its only a transitional period and the pain will go. You can choose to change your direction whenever you want, if you will it to be so. The bright blue sky shows a groundless scene of eight walking sticks, or wands, being tossed in the air. The beliefs you hold about yourself are preventing you from achieving your personal goals. Alone it is often difficult to free yourself from your own chains of fear. This matter is much about deception. Eight of Swords Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: In a general context, the Eight of Swords can represent feeling trapped, confined, restricted or backed into a corner or having your hands tied. Anxiety may make you feel like you have less options than you actually do. Another meaning of the Eight of Swords Reversed is that you slowly recover after a serious illness. In a financial Tarot spread, the Eight of Swords again indicates that you are trapped or restricted by your current financial status but again this is more to do with your anxiety than the reality of your situation. Inner strength means opening your eyes and seeing the world as it is and not as you would like it to be. Your intuition sends you important messages, especially on an emotional level. Meaning of Eight of Swords Linestrider. Amelie Rose Estrela is a gifted psychic and lead author for tarot-explained. You will be able to dismantle them bit by bit and transform them into strengths. Therefore, you should already plan enough time for recovery. Friends The Eight of Swords tarot card in regards to friendship can mean that youre currently in a parasitic or otherwise less than desirable friendship circle. As you change your thoughts, you change your reality. First, take some accountability for your part in the matter. By standing up for yourself and not letting constrict yourself any further, you will take the first step towards more freedom and your partner will have to adapt to the new situation. You may feel like the victim, waiting to be rescued, but is this energy serving you? Friends - The Eight of Pentacles tarot card in regards to friendship means things are going well. Eight swords surround her, seemingly trapping her in place, a symbol of the limiting thoughts, beliefs and mindset that prevent her from moving forward in her life. This doesn't necessarily mean everything is going to be horrible, but this is a situation you can't ignore. Especially when you start a new job, the beginning can be quite challenging. Below, you will find details of the card meanings of The Eight of Swords tarot card. Surrendering ones power to an unknown entity, whether it's fate, or God, the government or something else means that you are giving away your own personal responsibility to affect change. You might be being ridiculed and feeling ostracised by your so-called friends. The position the Eight of Swords lands in is important as this card is weaker in different places. If you have been in an unhappy or abusive relationship where you felt trapped, this card would suggest that you will escape the relationship. Dont act rashly by any means, you might be able to gently sort out any of your problems by thinking about them first, and acting gently. Or can't find what youre looking for? Do you want to know how your love life is developing? General: In general, the Reversed 8 of Swords tells . Cute! In the extreme negative, it can indicate an abusive relationship as it represents being victimised and feeling powerless and hopeless. The Moon or Strength cards appearing in a reading indicate that you will find a way out of your mess. The same work routines are getting to you and you hardly can unfold your true potential. You will feel how lovable your environment finds you and that you can find a partner for life like every human being. If you have been in an unhappy or abusive relationship where you felt trapped, this card would suggest that you will escape the relationship. . Be open to alternative ideas and change your perspective. The numbered cards in the Suit of Swords just keep getting more serious and terrible until you end with the Ten of Swords, which is almost on par with Death. However, it seems as though whoever built the trap was a little lazy or hasty, leaving some open space where she could escape. Alternatively, it can be an indication that your anxiety around dating has reached such an extreme that it is paralysing when it comes to finding a partner. Anxieties may be lifted, and it can now be clear to you what needs to be done in order to feel happier in your romantic life. A woman is blindfolded and bound in the plains, while eight swords are firmly planted in the ground surrounding her. Dont get caught up in new monetary dependencies too soon. Learn to find them. The more tolerance and openness you show when first meeting someone, the better your chances of finding a new relationship. Sign up to get the link! The Eight of Swords is a card showing the presence of obstructions and difficult obstacles. Our tarot workbook guides you to your own unique understanding of the tarot. Promise. The Eight of Swords in the Present position lets you know that you may not be the person who put the blindfold around your eyes, but you are the person keeping it on. A folk art inspired miniature tarot deck printed in bold colors and gold metallic ink for a subtle sheen. Keywords for the Queen of Swords Matriarch, perception, female intuition, first impressions Other associations of the Queen of Swords Element: Air As a Yes or No question: Yes I - Ace of Swords II - Two of Swords III - Three of Swords When the Eight of Swords is dealt out into the present position during your Tarot reading, it is at its strongest. Your thoughts are not serving you right now, but your intuition is. However, the overall theme of this card is that you are the one keeping yourself in this situation through negative thinking and allowing yourself to be paralysed by fear. Are you blocking yourself from success because you are wallowing in negative emotions? In the past position of a Tarot Reading, the Eight of Swords indicates that you have been trapped in a hurtful relationship. No matter where youve been or what youve gone through, you are not defined by the bad things that have happened to you. If you get this card, be ready to analyze the circumstances in order to find the best solution to the problem. Learn about the 78 cards and elements. Do you want to know what your destiny has in store for you? That sweet spot where you're moving in the right direction and getting the rewards you seek for your work is nowhere to be found. This card can also be an indicator of eyesight problems or blindness. You can come through this, dont give up! Here, however, she must push back her doubts and fears and instead trust her own intuition, which can show her a way out of her oppressive situation. The power is in your hands.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thetarotguide_com-box-4','ezslot_4',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-box-4-0'); Escape, freedom, release , finding solutions/ options,relief,taking control, standing up to abuse, self-belief, survivor, facing fears/ truth, releasing anxiety, hopeful, empowered, healing, mental strength, clear mind, overcomeobstacles, prison release, end of punishment, severe depression, paralysis, oppression, surrender. Discover Your FREE Personalized Tarot Power Cards, UPRIGHT: Negative thoughts, self-imposed restriction, imprisonment, victim mentality, REVERSED: Self-limiting beliefs, inner critic, releasing negative thoughts, open to new perspectives. Traditionally, the Eight of Swords Linestrider Tarot depicts a woman bound, blindfolded, and surrounded by a circle of swords impaled on the ground. You may feel powerless because, in yourmind, youfeel that changing the situation might be beyond you. But because of the blindfold preventingthe woman from seeing, she has no way of finding her way out of thistrap. The picture looks bleak and yet a closer look reveals that it might not be as bad as it seems at first glance. Each Tarot reading occurs at a unique moment in time. They will be useful for you in many projects. Often we realize what our heart really beats for only after a few years of professional life. The Eight of Swords is often associated with a victim mentality. Instead, you should enjoy your new financial freedom and treat yourself to something. Another aspect of the Eight of Swords Reversed is to free yourself from stressful feelings and thoughts. Swords represent ideas and communication. A strong number, it will guarantee success. Are they rising or falling? But first. However, you require a high degree of strength and self-confidence to really put your decision into action. Take a break from your friends and see if your life improves. You can come through this, dont give up!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thetarotguide_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',184,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); In a spiritual context, the Eight of Swords reversed tells you that you will be feeling empowered, hopeful and free to explore you spiritual path when it appears in your Tarot reading. It signifies relieving pressure, releasing anxiety and facing fears and truths. The Eight of Swords reveals that you feel trapped and restricted by your circumstances. The good news is that because these traps are things that we create ourselves, we can also leave them if we put our minds to it. Catch yourself when you are in a negative thought pattern and break the cycle. We feel like this soon after a traumatic event. Alternatively, it can be an indication that your anxiety around dating has reached such an extreme that it is paralysing when it comes to finding a partner. Maybe its time to dedicate yourself to actively looking for a relationship. All Rights Reserved. Are you taking on too much? When we take a look at the Eight of Swords we are greeted with a striking and oppressing image. The universe is organized in an epic manner and the Tarots intricacy delivers this energy. When there are other Sword cards in the reading, the verbal warfare is heightened and you may need to speak up once and for all. You believe your options are limited with no clear path out. Talk to a mental health professional or confide in family and friends. There are few classic "good" combinations. Freedom also means to decide for yourself if you want to be alone right now or in a relationship. The Tarot Deck advises us in many ways. Do you want to know how your professional situation develops? The womans inner strength has caused the king of the beasts to lovingly submit. Adorned with holographic gold edges. On the other hand, this card may also represent receiving extra money that you were not expecting. Do not dwell too much on yesterday, but look ahead. You may be feeling powerless, hopeless and helpless to improve you situation at the moment but you are the master of your own destiny. And P.S. No matter how deeply dear an idea or philosophy may be to you, other people who see it differently are entitled to their own opinion. However, it also shows that you have a pathway to move out of this phase, though it may be difficult. When it is in the future position, consider that you may be on a path that leads to disappointment, perhaps even one that traps you into a life of casual comfort from which you lose all hope escaping because the lack of stimulation has left you with no imagination. This is a major moment! You may feel that it isn't your fault - you have been placed here against your will. It is a Minor Arcana card of hopelessness, helplessness, powerlessness, slavery, persecution and being silenced or censored. 2 of Swords: Don't block yourself off from a potential new friendship . In a spiritual context, the Eight of Swords tells you not to allow yourself to be restricted. The suit of Pentacles represents money problems when the Eight of Swords appears amidst a few cards of that suit. Your own thoughts and doubts tie you down more and more and rob you of the power to escape from your prison.