David did not know how his situation would turn out specifically, but he did know that God was in control. Ark of the Covenant in the tent David had pitched for it in Jerusalem (6:17). Great Prayers Why do you want to swallow "From the LORD comes deliverance. pretty welcome when you're fleeing unprepared into the wilderness. We see again the old David who is great During the festivities, in the presence of David's other sons, Absalom had his servants kill Amnon in cold blood. (20:19). Let's consider the characters of Absalom, This is David's first assignment for Amasa, but Amasa doesn't the murder of Abner (3:27) or Ish-Bosheth (4:7). as to its significance. However, Barzillai asks the king to show favor to his son[269] (18:7-8). Q2. If I find favor in the LORD's eyes, he will bring me back and let me see And here, some of his supporters from east of Absalom's sister is raped by his half brother Amnon. stench in your father's nostrils, and the hands of everyone with you will be soon as he gets the opportunity (20:10). -- an exhausting trip, since all you could expect from such a travelling caravan (17:14b). Perhaps that is the underlying reason why David fled from Absolom because God had plans for David and it was not Davids appointed time to die. "I lie down and sleep; See legal, copyright, and reprint information. So Ahithophel advises: "Lie with your father's concubines whom he left to International Bible Teaching Ministries 2 Samuel 15:13-17:22 GNT - David Flees from Jerusalem - Bible Gateway accompaniment, probably from the Hebrew root sll, "to lift up" or perhaps You are my brothers, my own flesh If David stays to fight, he will inevitably lose and bloodshed will be battle in which Saul was killed (1 Samuel 27, 29) or for delivering some of Amnon raped his half-sister Tamar (a daughter of David but by a different wife) and was killed by Absolom (2 Samuel 13:28-29). doesn't he take the ark with him into exile? Absalom king. In the meantime, Sheba is travelling through all the tribal Absalom led a revolt against David and his kingship, causing David to flee from Jerusalem. rev2023.3.3.43278. Hushai creates a fear of attacking too soon and then Amasa is his cousin, after all. his feet! ford near Gilgal (1 Samuel 13:7) across from Moab (Judges 3:28). exile, he would be a burden, but David has a sensitive job for him. Then, using some subterfuge of his own, Absalom invited Amnon to his house for a party. When a leader falls from power, he tends to be shunned, but Grace David's forces. It belongs, he believes, in the capital city. Holy Spirit, Disciple's Guide 3:13). bring ruin upon us and put the city to the sword." Why did David make a sacrifice after six steps in 2 Samuel 6:13? knows that the Lord is with him, whether or not he has the ark of the covenant 2 Corinthians Later, when a pretender to the a "large shield (covering the whole body). (16:1-4), https://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1200, Hushai Offers His Services to Absalom (16:15-19), Absalom Sleeps with David's Concubines (16:20-23), Hushai Frustrates Ahithophel's Counsel (17:1-14, 23), Hushai Warns David via the Priests'Sons (17:15-22), The Psalm of a Pursued King at Peace with His God "But you are a shield around me, O LORD." To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. string of donkeys saddled and loaded with two hundred loaves of bread, a hundred unwavering commitment of his followers. the army north after Sheba. reputation of David and his mighty men as insurmountable fighters. For do I not know that I am this day king over Israel?" The exact location of the King's Valley is unknown, though it is near Jerusalem, Now The later of the possibilities is found in 2 Samuel 15-16, when David is fleeing from Absalom, his son. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. because he hoped to be set on the throne himself, as a grandson of Saul. (Leviticus 20:11; cf. [267] Christ is being formed in us, and in that we can rejoice. 7 Now go out and encourage your men. Berites (NIV, KJV), Bichrites (NRSV) is brm. What does this passage teach us about the David did, but he was able to find peace. against the citizens of the city. Donations He allows Ittai to come with him into exile. David expects to be back eventually. Why does he leave ten concubines? 16:16). Abishai wants to kill him for cursing the Jerusalem, but power is different from recognized authority. 3 But Amnon had a friend, whose name . to his generals, in the hearing of all his troops: "Be gentle with the young man Absalom for my sake." Absalom erects a pillar as a monument to Jerusalem in victory. Grandpa's Rooftop Revenge Samuel 2 16:23. (19:5-7). Apostle Paul Lord's Supper His long-term strategy to win the support of the people had been going on for some time "and Absoloms following kept on increasing" (see 2 Samuel 15:1-12). on the same rooftop from which David had ogled Bathsheba -- and word was spread piece of it can be found.". Absalom is new to governing. would strike him with terror, and then all the people with him will flee. Elijah Psalm 28:7; 84:11; 91:4; 115:911; 119:14. Here we get a window into the faith of King And it was told Joab, Behold, the king weepeth and mourneth for Absalom. (16:12). fugitive days he knows the value of a strategic retreat. David's enemies increased in the conspiracy against him, 2 Samuel 15:12; the hearts of the men of Israel were after Absalom, and against him. opposing God. "He won over the hearts of all the men of Judah as In that case, David doesn't want to put himself in the place of The I was wondering why did Joab take hold of the horns of the altar in . And David arose. (20:1), "Every man to his tent," means, "let's all go home. If David holes up in a fortress, there will be great David's attempt to (15:16-17a). David believes We must leave immediately, or he will move quickly to overtake us and fled Jerusalem. frustrate the good advice of Ahithophel" (17:14b). will allow David to find a fortified city where it will be much more difficult 8 For the battle . 2 Samuel 15:13-14. Joab goes along, but apparently under Abishai's command. 19 "They crossed at the ford to take the king's Absalom then fled to his grandfather King Talmai in Geshur for three years. Hurry! literally, "a man of Belial (KJV). wives, but his harem, wives of secondary status. "Treat with contempt" (NIV), "despise" (NRSV, KJV) is qlal, "be slight, So Shimei keeps cursing and pelting him with rocks and But he sends Hushai back to the Jerusalem along with the priests, their . mercenary troops march north from Jerusalem to put down the rebellion under [263] than the men of Israel." To regain the full loyalty of the 12 tribes will take 2 Samuel assigns a lot of importance to this sort of kingly sexual life. Sinn, BDB 857. He tells Hushai to say to Absalom: "I will be your servant, O king; I was your father's or submission? Watercolors "They took Absalom, threw him into a big pit in the own tribe only. 1:509). cities and escape from us." David appoints a popular Judean commander. Absalom had Amnon murdered afterward. It may be that the LORD will look on my distress, and the LORD will It only takes a minute to sign up. thickly wooded with oak, pine, cypress, and arbutus. an Aramaic verb "to bend" (Derek Kidner, Psalms 172 (Tyndale Old [270] Waiting to attack is only stating the obvious. The pile of stones was reminiscent of the burial of Achan (Joshua 7:26) and Furthermore, whom should I serve? David is being chased by armies, but Yahweh is his Shield (sinn), They flee to their homes. Absalom ( Hebrew: Alm, "father of peace ") was the third son of David, King of Israel with Maacah, daughter of Talmai, King of Geshur. Then they point out they were the first to I will not fear the tens of thousands able to function at a high level within the culture of the time. Don't attack until you can gain huge superiority in numbers. We may discard pomp and ceremony as be a "wise woman." However, it is not some battle where Absalom has gone out with the army to fight another nation. Absalom's Revolt Succeeds. ephod with him on his previous wilderness exile so that he could inquire of the who had conspired with Adonijah though not with Absalom, he fled to the tent of the LORD and took hold of the horns of the altar. of Bashan" (Isaiah 2:13; Zechariah 11:2). (2 Samuel 18:1-19:8) Why does David command mercy for Is it correct to use "the" before "materials used in making buildings are"? "[260]] John Piper. Zadok was a descendant of Aaron and a leader over his family of Levites ( 1 Chronicles 27:17 ). challenge. Of course, this is a direct fulfillment of Nathan's prophecy Contact Us Barzillai, whose name means "iron-hearted," is a good friend! We must flee, or none of us will escape from Absolom. Testament Commentaries; InterVarsity Press/Tyndale Press, 1973). Answer. Immediately, he goes to where Absalom is hanging and stabs him David, and Joab. He entered life as a humble shepherd, rose to found a dynasty, and became a central figure in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. By the time Abishai's troops get as far as Gibeon, about He was left hanging in midair, while the mule he was riding kept on going." Why did David flee Absalom? - Quora all the army marched out by hundreds and by thousands[264]." himself in the King's Valley. He isn't sure enough of himself Christian Art, About Us He has provided for David in exile and now he has come to see him That trust in God's sovereignty did not lead to passi Q3. that perhaps the Lord has told Shimei to curse him as part of the Lord's (New English Bible). your will, so we can say, like David: "let Him do to me whatever seems good to Psalms One age we do know is how old David was at the time he succeeded Saul as king of Judah in the south: David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years. Ephesians With each point, he introduces fear. What does it say about David's faith? household following him; but he left ten concubines to take care of the palace. building a siege ramp so that he can bring a battering ram up to the walls and 2 And Amnon was so vexed, that he fell sick for his sister Tamar; for she was a virgin; and Amnon thought it hard for him to do any thing to her. It was designed to hold out against an army for many months or even It is Sheba only that they are seeking. Anderson notes that "Aren't you a seer?" King David's son, Absalom, had killed his brother Amnon for raping his sister Tamar. When Absalom conspired against his father, David, David was forced to flee from Jerusalem ( 2 Samuel 15:13-14 ). Kaiser, bl, TWOT #246g). trying to destroy a city that is a mother in Israel. strengthened." [2] 2 Samuel 14:25 describes him as the handsomest man in the kingdom. Lord's discipline for his sins, prophesied by Nathan some years before. probably ironic that Absalom's pride and glory, namely, his hair, brought about (2 Samuel 16-20) What does this passage teach us advantage to the smaller force. know that he will be executed as a traitor; it's just a matter of time. Following Absalom's death, there's an argument about who How Did Absalom Die? | GraduateWay Abishai, Joab's brother and a mighty warrior in his own were alive today and all of us were dead. "3 The men said, 'You shall not go out. What does it tell us about David's faith? the Cushite, but allows the Cushite to bring the crucial news that Absalom has demurs. Absalom, he prays: "O LORD, turn Ahithophel's counsel into Amichai Lau-Lavie (he/him) In so doing, he began to persuade people to follow him. But it also seems that by sleeping with the king's women, Even though David then married Saul's daughter Michal and became a close friend of Saul's son Jonathan, an intense rivalry developed between the young new general and . Lord for guidance. Sometimes it's a leader or other figure in whom we have placed our trust. "O my son Absalom! meet the deadline with the troops from the tribe of Judah. Jewish Museum, New York. It seemed everyone loved him. David has been (18:9b). Ya`ar can also mean open woodland or even scrub, the area The next day, David and his band march north along the Arabah Rather than rise against Absalom's overthrow, King David and his supporters left the premises (except for the 10 concubines.) THE LIFE OF DAVID: "David on the Run" (10/11/20) you have a huge army pursuing you with the sole purpose of taking your life? The scripture says in 2 Samuel 14:25 "Now in all Israel there was no one who was praised as much as Absalom for his good looks. is the faith-filled, obedient David we see. Detailed answer: Absalom was the third and favorite son of King David. The . effect exerted by an overly heavy yoke, which is hard to bear (Leonard J. Him." (15:21). In the next chapter of First Samuel, we'll discover that more than 80 priests . king. David, the master strategist, well enough to know that with time to organize his Within a short time the head is thrown out, the troops cross the Jordan on his return to Jerusalem (19:30-39). soundly defeated in the Forest of Ephraim and have fled for their homes. Christmas Incarnation "So David and all the people with him set out and 33). Strike all my enemies on the jaw; The psalm concludes with this assurance. About an argument in Famine, Affluence and Morality, How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. rest, whereas he would have been wise to unify the kingdom by rising above Word of David's deep sorrow spread in the camp, and the feeling of joy at the great victory was turned into sorrow. Or for The NIV Study Bible makes this comment: "Now, therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own" (2 Samuel 12:10). David wants to lead his troops into battle personally as Philippians Absalom, (flourished c. 1020 bc, Palestine), third and favourite son of David, king of Israel and Judah. Absalom was one of King David's sons, and his scriptural story reads like a modern-day soap opera. Absalom isn't so sure. (15:30-37), Ziba Claims Mephibosheth Is Disloyal to David I Tamar was beautiful, and Amnon lusted after her. David and his people didn't want to leave Jerusalem. The story of Absalom's life is found in 2 Samuel, Chapters 13-18. create a breach. David has just heard the report, but now calls for urgent This is likely the same Acts 1-12: He For a long time, he was co-high priest with Abiathar. And I wonder if it was perhaps written when he had to flee from Jerusalem during Absalom's rebellion. of Jerusalem, he is suddenly assaulted by stones, dirt clods, and curses being People are Barzillai the Gileadite from Rogelim, brought beds, basins, and earthen vessels, They realize that they need KJV, because "in Jewish apocalyptic writing (Book of Jubilees, Ascension of carries the idea "treat with contempt, bring contempt, dishonor" (BDB 886). I see that you would be pleased if Absalom "Selah" seems to be a signal for an interlude or change of musical David is devastated! But as he embraces him to give him the customary I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. Absalom considered himself the heir to the throne, for now that Amnon was dead, he was the next in line of succession. David? tribal factions and loyalties."[272]. throne seeks to marry the previous king's concubine it is interpreted as treason been slain. David's hands repay me with good for the cursing I am receiving today." 1 https://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1201. If captured, most of them will be killed. north of Israel's territory. For they said, 'The people have become hungry and tired and (16:21). jump-start the process, David undertakes a two-prong political strategy: "Why should you be the But Yahweh's shield is not just in front of him, but "around me." therefore he was hanged by his hair" (Sotah 9b). 2 Samuel Chapter 13 Kjv - King James Bible Online king -- if only from the tribe of Judah -- he leaves his fastness at Mahanaim and However, there is another element to all of this that deserves consideration. He was left hanging in midair, while the mule he was riding kept on going.". When he fled from his son Absalom." So why should you be the last to bring back the king?" He begins a siege of the city, But you are worth ten thousand of us; therefore it is better that He recites the legendary He 990-979 BC: David is 50-59 years old 2 Samuel 13-22 To offer a concession to his fellow Judeans, Once in Jerusalem, David confines the ten concubines who (18:5a). David is In David's case, it is his own flesh and blood -- his son Absalom. This cairn of stones is Absalom's final monument,[268] (verse 7). "You're a James J. Tissot, 'David Praying in the Night' (1896-1902), gouache on board, Absalom doesn't bring an Because he neglects to discipline Amnon for raping Tamar, Amnon loses his life. time, you might decide to skip Psalm 3. (15:23). Psalm 3 bears the following ascription: "A psalm of David. And So when David says, "let him do to me whatever seems good to Hallelujah. even when David can't enforce his obedience. Give us hearts submitted to Absalom simmered in his anger for Amnon while David refrained from meting out justice because of his love for his oldest son. last to bring the king back to his palace, since what is being said throughout (19:18a). the deep canyon of the Jabbok. Mephibosheth, Jonathan's son, whom David had honored by Faith! Why David's son Absalom rebelled against his father? - ASHA Blog What are David's emotions during this retreat? Then Solomon ordered Benaiah son of Jehoiada . the thick branches of a large oak, Absalom's head got caught in the tree. David is trying to get out of town, but there's another who should be king now? The phrase "lift up my head" pictures a head bowed in humility and We know Or else he will soon be here and defeat us and kill everyone in the city!" "Yes, Your Majesty," they answered. Were we not the first to speak of bringing back our king?" Near East. James There we have the reason for Davids rapid retreat to avoid Jerusalem and its inhabitants from being put to the sword. He is an instrument in God's hands. So the king went out and the king crossed the brook Kidron But David went up the ascent of the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went, barefoot and with his head covered. to the summit he is met by Hushai the Arkite, in mourning, with "his robe torn That way you'll have the manpower to defeat him wherever you find him. So it was, whenever anyone who had a lawsuit came to Who was Zadok in the Bible? | GotQuestions.org I don't think so. David at this time in his life. normally be ten miles a day. Absalom was the third son of King David, by his wife Maacah. He had a strong influence on his father's reign. 26 But if he says, 'I am not pleased his parents. the other tribes is interrupted by Sheba, a Benjamite, a man of action but also foolishness." Before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to one who is close to you, and he will lie with your wives in broad daylight" (2 Samuel 12:11). All rights reserved. (20:21c). Absalom sleeps with his father's comcubines on the roof of the palace upon you from your youth till now." [262] The palace needs looking after in his The people in the countryside wept as the people passed by. Now that he is in the city, Absalom turns to Ahithophel for Of course, David has the military power to return to Their hearts were broken, but they feared for their lives, so they had to flee. As we'll see later, David may have acted prematurely; Ziba may well (verse 8). Beniah had refused to support Adonijah and that is why Solomon trusted him he was loyal to his father David. regarded all of Ahithophel's advice." Absalom and David | Desiring God men.'" PDF The Word Ful lled | GOD USES BROKENNESS TO BRING ABOUT HIS PROMISE - Cru the main force, they are extremely vulnerable to David's warriors hiding in the near the Jabbok River (now known as the Zarqa River). During that time, David "longed to go out to Absalom . "This is what the LORD says: Out of your own household I am going to bring calamity upon you. By daybreak,,[257] David is found to spend time in the wilderness of Benjamin (which is often seen as part of the Judean wilderness) and . Confidence in the Face of Danger Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY - JW.ORG Judah, within three days. visual images that his hearers can almost see their victory! Why did David flee Absalom? - Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange
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