Coming from the Latin words cum and patior, compassion means to suffer. Your divine maternity is great also because this privilege is the reason for your other privilegesyour Immaculate Conception, miraculous virginity, fullness of grace, Assumption and the spiritual maternity of all mankind. Though you did not know the meaning of the archangel's inspired words, you serenely submitted to the will of God. Note: This prayer was approved and enriched with an indulgence of five hundred days by Pope Pius X at all audience held on August 18, 1908, and was included in the official edition of approved indulgenced prayers (1950). 1, 20). Finally, they remind me of the everlasting glory of all the saints in Heaven united with your own glory and that of your Son. Obtain for me the grace to love God with my whole heartso that all the love my heart is capable of may be consecrated to Him, and all other affection subordinated to the love I owe God. The name Our Lady of Mercy is very dear to Mercy Home for Boys & Girls. Feasts of Our Lady - Iskandar Teach me to desire ardently all that is pleasing to God, to seek after it prudently, to accept it truthfully and to do it perfectly, for the praise and glory of God. Truly then, you are entitled to be called our Mediatrix. pray for me! Your eyes are the eyes of a good Mother, ever watchful to notice the need of your children, just as you looked out for the young couple at the marriage feast of Cana. Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrates 491 years Robin Bradshaw , Hearst Dec. 12, 2022 Comments This is an image of a Spanish Baroque altar located inside of the Monastery of Santo. In God there are no disappointments, no false promises. Mary, by your humility, you became the Mother of your Creator. Show the same compassion toward me, for I am in need of grace to fight temptation, to avoid sin and to lead a holy life. After the fall of our First Parents, earth which was to be paradise, was changed into a valley of tears on which the curse of God fell. He is the Master of His creation. I beg you to make me strong enough to bear my trials for the love of God so that I may become like you in suffering. Help me to imitate your zeal in assisting my neighbor in his needs. Blessed are they who observe his decrees, who seek him with all their heart. In this I see God's plan that in the Kingdom of Jesus all graces should go through your hands and Heart. May I remember always your sorrows on Calvary, through which you begot us to God and became the co-redemptrix of our race. Bless the work of those who spend themselves to bring souls to your loving Son. But with these joys were also mingled bitter sorrows. I became a child of God. By Christmas of that year, an adobe structure was built atop Tepeyac Hill in honor of our Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and it was dedicated on December 26, 1531, the feast of St. Stephen the Martyr. Joseph could rest assured and marry you, his betrothed bride. Forming with your Divine Son one spiritual body, we experience the rage of Satan until the end of time. Mexico's celebration for Our Lady of Guadalupe | Catholics & Cultures It was fitting that the God of all purity should spring from the greatest purity. nothing could be happier than the choice of the day on which this Feast was to be kept.On the 24 th of May, in the year 1814, there was . Our Lady of Treves, Italy (746). But I can never be your true child if I am not humble. Through the sorrow which you felt during your whole life, but especially when you saw Jesus led to His death and then crucified, obtain for me the grace that I may patiently bear the sufferings which God has seen fit to send me, even as you bore your sufferings. This is my sure way of reaching heaven and my God. It was, therefore, befitting that you, His Immaculate Mother, destined to cooperate with Him in the work of Redemption, should teach the world, by your submission to the law of purification, this great truth, that humility is the beginning of our salvation, as pride has been the root of our ruin. You can readily obtain for us whatever you will as you can listen to our woes. The cross is the measure of God's love for us and the sum total of our love for God. Such love set your Heart on fire with love for your Divine Son, not only as your Son, but also as your God and Savior since you had shared in advance in the merits of His Passion and death. Teach me the real kind of ambition, that is, greatness in God's eyes. I should learn from your conduct never to oppose the divine will, even though conformity to it may mean a severe test of my faith. It was a life of silence, and yet He is the Word of the Father, the expression of His glory, the teacher of the prophets. I also believe that grace is a free gift of God, and I have no claim to it except as a member of His holy Church, which is the mystical body of Christ. I am unworthy of that. 16, 26). What a sight met your tear-dimmed eyes when you beheld the body of your Son, bruised and mangled and covered with open bloody wounds. Mary, My Mother, I beg you for this humility which is so necessary for me that without it I cannot enter God's kingdom, as Jesus reminded His disciples, "Unless you turn and become like little children, you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. I find faith in its light, hope in its help. 3. Like you let me realize my own nothingness. You are a Mediatrix because since your Assumption, with Christ you obtain all graces for men. How earnestly you wish God's grace for us! How consoling it is to know that you have these heavenly blessings at your disposal! Mary, Mother of God, in honoring you as Our Lady of Guadalupe, we honor you as the Immaculate Conception. You are the channel by which all the favors of Jesus descend upon us, even as it was through you and in union with you that during His mortal life He won for us whatever title we have to His gifts and graces. About Our Lady of Sorrows This is one of many Marian feast days which occurs throughout the liturgical year. Mary, My Mother, though your body was separated from your soul in death, your soul was reunited in your incorrupt body, and you were taken up into heaven by angels. On the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes, 28 First Holy Communion students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Jesus could give meafter the gift of Himselfnothing more precious than you. How God rewarded your humble and deep faith! For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Petition God that their hope may never fail amid the troubles and the cares of this life. You took part in this offering of the life and death of Jesus. If the sinner dies in his sins you cannot desire to save him, because Jesus will not save him. After the prophecy of Simeon, the Scriptures mention that "His father and mother" were wondering at those things which were spoken concerning Him. May the Rosary also be a means of obtaining all the graces I need for the sanctification and salvation of my soul. I believe, according to the inspired teaching of St. Paul, that there is but one Mediator between God and manyour Son Jesus. As you were the first and most perfect disciple of Jesus in all the virtues, you were the first and most perfect disciple also in humility. You obtain graces for us even without our asking you for them. Protect, guard, and keep them in holy fear, in peace, and in harmony of Christian charity. Though you prophesied that all generations would call you blessed, you attributed all holiness to God. Thanks to you, the grace and the sanctifying gifts of the Holy Spirit are scattered abroad over the Church and its members. You are my Queen, my Lady. 5, 7). We beg you for a burning charity for God to imitate the works of Christ. You show your compassion toward all so that there is no one in this world who does not, if he seeks it, share in the kindness and mercy of your motherly Heart. Our Lady of Sorrows The devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows flourished in the Middle Ages, and the hymn Stabat Mater was composed for it. God has made you so kind even to sinners that your goodness restores us to hope. God had raised you to the highest dignity in His power in choosing you to be the Mother of His Son. Alone of all the children of Adam, you were gifted with the fullness of sanctifying grace which made you the object of a very special love on the part of God. Help me to receive Holy Communion frequently, at least each week, if not daily. Holy Cards will continue to be added as our collections align with Feast Days of the Saints in our collection. You share so entirely in His Passion that, if it had been possible, you would gladly have borne all the torments your Son bore. I give you my intellect by holding you in loving reverence because of your dignity as Mother of God. Your apostolate is universal because you are the spiritual Mother of all men and the universal Co-Redemptrix. You heard the mob, led by the chief priests clamoring for His crucifixion. From you was derived the Precious Blood which was shed upon the cross for our salvation and the adorable Body which, after having been made the price of our Redemption, has become the food of our souls in the Holy Eucharist. Above all, I beg of you to secure for me in the our of death the grace of final perseverance: that triumphant grace which crowns the measure of God's rifts here below and which is followed by the possession of God in heaven. But God has willed that you should be exempted from this general rule because, by an entirely singular privilege, you completely overcame sin by your Immaculate Conception. I admire the holiness of their lives and the nobility of their family. You could not accompany the Apostles while they fulfilled the duties of their ministry, but in silence and solitude, by the power of your prayers and the fervor of your charity, you were the master-missionary of them all. I am grateful to your divine Son for this priceless gift of God, for by His Passion and death He not only reinstated us in the friendship of His heavenly Father, but also purchased for us all the graces we stand in need of to attain eternal life. Mary, My Mother, I unite myself with you in the spirit in which you offered yourself as a sacrifice of love during your lifetime. Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 2021 - Archbishop Gomez Help me to love God with my whole strengthso that I may consecrate undividedly, unreservedly and continually to His service, my life, my health and all I am and have. This thought wonderfully strengthens my confidence in you, Help of Christians. ", Your Heart is a shrine of peace, for it is the Heart of the Mother of the Prince of Peace, a Heart never for a moment disturbed by evil passions, a Heart whose gifts to mankind are mercy, love and peace. In that instant the Word of God became forever united to humanity; the human soul of Jesus Christ, produced from nothing, began to enjoy God and to know all things past, present, and to come. With heavenly homage the angelic messenger greeted you "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women" (Luke 1, 28). Mary, Mother of God, your life, like that of your Divine Son, was a daily crucifixion and martyrdom. 18, 3). All other apostles and workers for the salvation of souls depend upon you for blessing upon their missionary work. I am in need of forgiveness of sin, of strength in temptation. From the first moment of your existence the Holy Spirit made you His temple and blessed you with the fullness of His grace. You see me, smile on me, listen to me, stretch your arms out to me, because you hear my prayer and, like a mother, you are anxious to help your child. Here I will demonstrate, I will exhibit, I will give all my love, my compassion, my help and my protection to the people. The holy old man Simeon took your Son in his arms. Behold I come to you to show you the wounds sin has inflicted on me. Mary, Mother of God, by your offering you sacrificed your own heart. Celebration Ideas For The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Aid me through your influence with your Divine Son, to be a true child of yours and to grow daily into your likeness. Mary, Mother of God, you are the mother of the Judge: you are also the Mother of the sinners. 1. He promised that my prayers would be heard when He said, "Ask, and it shall be given you" (Matt. Our Lady of Sichem, Belgium (474) 4. She is forever imploring you to intercede in their behalf with Him who has clothed you with His light and His glory, and has poured out upon you the fullness of His grace. With no tendency to evil, but with a deep yearning for the highest virtue, you glorified God more than all His other creatures. Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for me! Through your prayers and the prayers of your holy parents may I learn to know and love you more and ever remain your faithful child. Mother Mary - Our Lady of Compassion It was life of the utmost weakness and helplessness, and yet His is the strength of God Himself. On October 12, 1945, Pope Pius XII, decreed Our Lady of Guadalupe to be "Patroness of all the Americas." . I desire that all that is in me and around me may belong to you and may share in the benefits of your motherly blessing. . The Heart of Jesus was a suffering Heart, symbolized by the thorns encircling it, the cross above it, and the gash opened in its side. Your soul filled with love and sorrow, you embraced your Son now pale in death, a victim for the sins of mankind. They had seen Adam created in grace, and John the Baptist, spotless from his birth, because he had been cleansed from original sin before birth. May I always be most grateful by striving to grow in this divine life. He works in my soul by His grace. Teach me to imitate your humility by acknowledging my nothingness and seeking the glory of God in everything. Your own extraordinary grace and merit, your own wondrous privileges give to your prayer an irresistible force and power. You were not bound by the Law, because you were a virgin as well as a mother. The suffering of Jesus in His dereliction was the most difficult test of your faith. But though your soul was filled with grief, you bravely stood beneath the cross. Concheros dance in devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe He saved us by offering to the justice of God perfect atonement for our sins. Mary, Mother of God, may the perfect gift of yourself to God through love in your presentation in the temple be an inspiration to me. Neither your long absence from home, nor the inconvenience of a difficult and dangerous journey to the mountain country kept you from making this mission of love. 3. I cannot for a moment suspect, all good and all powerful as you are, that you are unwilling to implore for me the graces which I need so much and above all. You did not-abandon Jesus as the apostles did; you remained with Him until He expired. I have been especially blessed as a Catholic, for God has given me graces which He has not given to everyone else. You were charged with dispensing the supernatural life to men because this was fitting. Mary, Mother of God, you are our Mediatrix. 2. He was with you, and with you alone, in an unspeakable manner by bodily presence. Our Lady of Guadalupe - December 12 - Catholic News Agency After the triumph of your Divine Son on the day of His Ascension, there never was, and there never will be, a triumph like that which you enjoyed on this day. It was a life of closest union with Jesusa union of body as well as of soul. Your Immaculate Conception is a triumph over Satan the author of evil, who under your heel, suffered his first complete defeat. 1. May I derive all the beneficial results the holy sacraments are to produce in my soul. You are full of grace, the Lord's free gift, and it overflows in you filling your soul with every virtue and perfection. It is through your prayers that God inspires me to receive It and grants me the grace to receive It worthily. After Holy Communion Jesus is with me as God and Man, with His Body and Blood, soul and divinity. 2. An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 15 of September, repeating indefinitely Mary, My Mother, as Dispenser of all graces, you make the world share in the infinite merits of the redemption. Forgetting yourself completely, you were most intimately united with God. I know that He wants you ever to be my Mother of Perpetual Help so that the graces He has merited for me may effect the salvation of my soul. You saw clearly the agony you would feel at the crucifixion. You lovingly served her till you saw her happily delivered of the child of promise with which God had blessed her. These mysteries remind me also of your own glory, the Assumption of your soul and body into heaven and your crowning there as Queen of Heaven and Earth. Each event of the sorrowful drama of His sufferings was a sword that pierced your motherly heart. I beg you to pray for me that by the light of the Holy Spirit and your direction, I may see my duty, and by God's grace and your help I may fulfill it. After your Divine Son, you are God's most precious gift to man. Today is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrows Lawain McNeil Sep 15, 2022 Lady of Sorrows from a triptych by the Master of the Stauffenberg Altarpiece, Alsace, c. 1455. The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. I consecrate myself entirely to your Immaculate Heart. You knew that thousands even of His faithful followers throughout the world would turn from Him and would make His coming the occasion of their eternal ruin. I rejoice with you in the happiness which filled your heart because of such love. Everything about Mary was fashioned by . You are indeed all-powerful in Heaven, but your omnipotence is not one of authority and command, but of intercession. The climax of that sorrow came when the innocent Victim for the sins of mankind was given, dead, into your arms. As Mother of the spiritual and heavenly you are the mediatrix of the light of grace to mankind. Take my cold heart; put it into your own and inflame it with a fire of love like your own. As Mother of God you surpass, in an immeasurable degree, all other creatures, angels and men. Processions and Penitence In Malta, Spain, Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, and the Philippines the Friday of Passion Weekthe Friday of Sorrows or Viernes de Dolores is celebrated with. Pilgrims approach the grounds of the basilica, in distant view, on the day before the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. You possessed a perfect faith, a firm hope, a burning charity, a deep humility, a purity greater than that of the angels. The God of holiness, having come upon the earth to take away the sins of the world, chose to appear among us as a sinner. In this mystery Jesus is plainly a Victim, and not so plainly a Priest; He could not better communicate His spirit of priesthood than by allowing you, His Mother, to present His outward offering He could find no worthier altar on which to offer Himself than your immaculate hands. As the body of your Divine Son was preserved from the corruption of the grave, so you, from whom He took flesh, were also free from the power of earthly decay. This truth was confirmed on Calvary, when at the very moment our redemption was to be completed by the death of Jesus, He said to you: "Behold thy son," then to St. John, who took our place beneath the cross: "Behold thy mother." May they consider it to be the greatest privilege bestowed upon them by God to dedicate their sons and daughters to His holy service. You were never under the power of the serpent, whose head you crushed in giving a Redeemer to the world. The Father crowned you by making you a sharer in His power, the Son by making you partaker of His wisdom; the Holy Spirit, by making you partaker of His love. With greatest confidence in the mercy and kindness of Your Son, you left Him free to give assistance or withhold it, as He saw fit. Your humility was rewarded with the greatest privilege ever given to a creature. It was fitting that you should be adorned with the greatest purity ever possible to a creature. In the hope that Life will triumph over death, from this moment and for ever more, we want to sing with you the glory of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the only Mediator of justice, and by His merits He obtains for us all graces and salvation but you are the Mediatrix of grace. Mary, Mother of God, you reign in splendor for all eternity with your Divine Son. Saint Elizabeth received the Holy Spirit through your intervention, in order to teach us that we must make use of you as our Mediatrix with your Divine Son, if we wish to obtain the Holy Spirit. I have saved my soul.". O powerful answer which rejoiced Heaven and brought an immense sea of graces and blessings into the world! In you I behold the charm of the purest of virgins, the majesty of the noblest of mothers. From the moment you said, "Be it done to me according to thy word," the Father in heaven made Jesus and you, as it were, a redemptive pair; you, of course, have always been dependent on Him. I regard that dominion as a shining star lighting and guiding my life. Yet no selfish thought, no bitter resentment has marred your beauty. Love and Peace, may be spread among men. Great must have been the childlike reverence and respect with which you watched over your every action and which preserved you from ever displeasing the Divine Wisdom. Your Heart was also a pure Heart, pure as the light, purer than the snow, free from the stain of original sin, from the least taint of actual sin, from the least evil tendency of our fallen naturea heart full of light and beauty reflecting to the full the radiance of the Sacred Heart of your Divine Son. Shrine Pilgrimage. Thus was fulfilled the prophesy that Christ would be born of the family of David. Infirmities of the body, patiently endured, may become the occasion of great merit. This intimacy with God was the soul of your soulyour very life. On the day of Pentecost the Apostles' worldly views about the Kingdom of God on earth were banished by the Spirit of God, and holiness replaced their imperfections, but no-taint of the slightest sin had to be removed from your virginal soul. We recommend to you our hopes and our fears. A Blessed Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal - Fatima Have pity on the sinners of the world. we celebrated the feast of the Triumph of the Cross. Mary, My Mother, as Mother of Divine Providence, remember your children in need of God's mercy and help. In so doing I simply imitate God who gave Himself and His Son to us through you. Your great lover, Saint Bernard, along with many other saints and writers, reminds me: "Through you, Mary, heaven has been filled; through you hell has beheld itself robbed of an army of souls, in a word, through you eternal life was imparted to multitudes of wretched ones, who had made themselves unworthy of it." And when Jesus instituted this Holy Sacrament, He surely thought especially of you. 1. You remained there working for God, meditating on His holy Law, praying and praising His divine Goodness. Your intimate union with your Divine Son is the reason for your power with Him. 1. 3. This was the earliest promise of a Redeemer to come, and you were to be His immaculate Mother. He can and does suspend the laws of nature for those who have faith in His goodness and entreat Him in fervent prayer. You heard Simeon's words as if they had been spoken to you by God Himself, "Behold, this child is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be contradicted. 3. The story of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Vatican News You would be hailed by all generations as blessed above all other women because you are the Mother of God and at the same time a spotless Virgin. It was in your arms that he found the Savior, to remind me that he who desires to find Jesus, will not find Him otherwise than through you. Mary, Mother of God, as Refuge of sinners, you will never turn away those who have recourse to your compassion. From all eternity God chose you to be His Mother, and in time He adorned you with every spiritual charm. Help me, above all, so that by my good example I may enrich and ennoble every human being whose life I touch. The Catholic Church the Gospels, the sacraments, the Mother of Divine Grace as my advocatethese are among the special blessings with which I am favored. You confidently accepted whatever God willed. You brought forth Jesus, your First-born, without pain; but in giving birth to your second-born, what agony did you not have to endure? Mary, My Mother, I realize that I have not always corresponded faithfully with these graces. 2. Your Divine Son was destined to crush the serpent's head by releasing mankind from the slavery of Satan, thus putting an end to the empire of sin. At the Annunciation you received Jesus on earth; it was proper that He should receive you in Heaven. Your heart sank each time He fell beneath its weight. Your heart watches over them tenderly. In 1482 the feast was added to the Missal under the title of "Our Lady of Compassion." Pope Benedict XIII added it to the Roman Calendar in 1727 on the Friday before Palm Sunday.
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