Mi hijo, tu has usado este pasaje (4 Reyes: 19-35) muchas veces para darle a conocer a la gente sobre el poder de solo un ngel Mio. We see in verses 14 through 25 in Chapter 10 above that Jeremiah is pleading for the house of Jacob, which are the 12 Tribes of Israel, and praying to God for His wrath to come down on all of the idolatry (pagan) worshippers that do not know God because they are the ones that have brought the evil pagan worship to Jacobs descendants. The day of the shutdown of your website is coming soon, as the evil ones will want to silence My prophets once again. Esto ser despus de la Advertencia, tu necesitas convertir a tus familiares, amistades hacia Mi o ellos podran perderse al infierno. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Es importante tener tu alma limpia por medio de la Confesin, para que estn listos a encontrarse Conmigo en su juicio. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: Welcome to El Clan - El Clan de los Colgados %El Clan de los Colgados This sent the Assyrians in confusion and they were forced to return home. But. john leary messages july 2020 john leary messages july 2020 Here is Jeremiah, Chapter 11. Here is the latest from Life Site News on the internal battle our Country is having with the Sheep being separated from the goats that are as savage as wolves on abortion. Jesus said: My people, seeing new babies in the family is a blessing of new life. Pray for your family to be converted, or they could be lost. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Click on any month below for a copy of the messages posted for that month or click here to view the most recent messages posted to the site. Yo advertir a Mi gente a que no miren hacia fuera en ningn momento por la cantidad grande de cuerpos muertos. Also, the St. Michael Chaplet Prayer. Tuesday, June 2, 2020 Jesus said: "My people, it is appalling that your bishops and governors are still keeping My faithful from even coming to daily Mass. Pray for Jocelyn and her new baby, and for the souls of your family. Lets reflect on Jeremiah, Chapters 10 and 11.;NIV. The video is down at the bottom of this Newsweek article posted yesterday. Posts about Prophet John Leary written by a soul. 21Therefore this is what theLordsays about the people of Anathothwho are threatening to kill you,saying, Do not prophesyin the name of theLordor you will dieby our hands22therefore this is what theLordAlmighty says: I will punish them. Mas que nada tu tienes un altar y un tabernculo donde tu puedes adorarme a Mi en la sagrada hostia. Estos eventos continuaran hasta el otoo donde habr otro ataque del virus mucho mas peor que el primero. Posts in This Blog on The Second Sun, or Great Comet of Chastisement Our Blessed Mother Has Been Warning us About. john leary latest messages june 2020. I told you that if you did not stop your abortions, then I would do it for you. Fuegos, policas, atesmo) En la capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando frente le DVD de Adoracin. Este virus llegar en el otoo y habr tanta muerte y confusin, que las elecciones sern canceladas. New Messages to Prophet John Leary! New Messages on After the Warning Published by at June 13, 2022. Maybe your people will finally wake up to see that you are being persecuted by your governors, who did not want to open My churches. He did not say, maybe or possibly, he said, There will be a Second Pandemic. There was a darkness around this flame in your vision because you are losing your freedoms every day under Biden. Once you have provided what you can afford, and what space you can use, do not be concerned about having more food, because in faith I can multiply your food and water. Do not be surprised to see more violent protests and shootings. This blog is about surrender, transformation, relationship and discipleship to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Latest News Reports from News Max, and Fox News. Remember for yourself to pray your morning offering, your daily consecration, your rosaries, your Divine Mercy Chaplet, and evening prayers. 24 Jun . Commentaries From Life Site News and Dr. Taylor Marshall. July 21, 2021 November 21, 2022 VERY IMPORTANT COMMENTARY Explaining The Second Coming Of JESUS, The End Times, The Immaculate Conception, And The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls, VIDEO Facing Imminent Nuclear War Instructions and Remedy for Radioactivity from GOD, MaryRefugeOfSouls PDF Download: English Collection (Lorenas Messages, 2015-2021) The Way To Follow Army of Saint Michael Archangel // Descargar PDF: Coleccin en espaol (Mensajes de Lorena, 2015-2021) El camino a seguir Ejrcito de San Miguel Arcngel, Video Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Latin-American Mystic Lorena Holy Communion in the Hand February 16, 2022 MaryRefugeOfSouls, Three Videos Latin American Catholic Priest has Vision during Holy Mass of Jesus Christ and in Tears Cries, No more Holy Communion in the hand!, Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Ancestral Curses and Evil Generational Spirits, Including Resources for Inner Healing, Zazzle Collection: Essential End Times Religious Images (Refuge Stickers) Compiled by a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.. There will be chaos and food shortages all over because many people did not heed My warning of saving up some food. Matt Hancock said 'get heavy with police' to enforce lockdown For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and the whole world. Those souls, who choose to come to Me, will see a need to come to My refuges and deny taking the mark of the beast. Important Video About Eucharistic Miracles and Brief Comment by a soul Is There Deliberate Deception and Hypocrisy in the Current Papacy (Pope Francis)? Dale gracias a Dios y adoracin a Mi por guiarte con todas tus preparaciones. Reconciling What St. Augustine Wrote in Understanding the First Resurrection and the Second Resurrection and Our Discernment of the Harvest! T tambin has sido enviado al mundo para compartir Mi Palabra y traer las almas convertidas hacia Mi. March 2, 2023. No pierdan tiempo precioso mientras tengas vida., Junio 20, 2020 (Reuniones de Trump, saqueos. Other Tuesday, June 2, 2020: in . These evil ones are trying to stir up a race riot to divide your country. Abortion is an egregious sin against God because we are killing not only His Children, but innocent, and defenseless children that belong to God Our Father in Heaven. Terms & Conditions! They are using the summer solstice and an annular eclipse to promote their evil plot. This time line is being sped up as you will stay at My refuge throughout the tribulation. Jesus said:My son, you have been reading how Elijah was persecuted as all of My other prophets were killed because of the lack of faith in the people. Thursday, February 23, 2023 : John Leary Tu vera ms caos y muertes durante la segunda ola del virus cuando morirn muchos en el otoo. You will need a room for prayers with an altar for Adoration. En el lugar de reunin despus de la Santa Comunin, yo puedo ver un misil negro en direccin a nuestro pas. (LogOut/ Can consecrated meatavert your punishment?When you engage in your wickedness,then you rejoice.[a]. Back around 1900, a popular vaudeville song was "Let Me Shake the Hand that Shook the Hand of John L. Sullivan," the last heavyweight bareknuckle boxing champion. Now this weekend you will see a phased in opening that you had to even register to show you were coming. In the first reading the King of Israel prayed for My protection from the Assyrians who were ready to attack Jerusalem. You will visit the place of your judgment. If you belong to a Church where the Shepherd has gone bad, get out now and find a good Shepherd that speaks up for Our Lord. This has been done over the past 40 years. Does this sound familiar? The devil uses fear and anxieties to keep you fearful of viruses, and he wants to keep you from coming to Me at Mass in church. We offer up all of our suffering, work, joy, and pain and unite them to Our Lord, Jesus Christs Cross for the Salvation of Souls. I pray to Our Lady as Mary Refuge of Holy Love that the Truth and Light of Heaven be bestowed upon everyone who visits this website. Amen. Roe v Wade was Overturned! He told his flock of leaders of the faithful to be watchful of the savage wolves of the worldly evil people. From the Los Angeles Blade, December 12, 2022: Meet the Bisexual Wife of Pennsylvania's New US Senator. Last year, as many of you know, I, "a soul", had many on-going health challenges for different critical illnesses.For almost ten months (January to October 2022), I was very sick. Only My believers will be saved at My refuges. In a large church you could wear masks and easily keep your distance. When the lives of My faithful are in danger, I will call you to My refuges as your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. Yo multiplicare la comida, agua, y combustible, pero deben tener completa confianza y fe en Mi que Yo puedo hacer esto por ti. In particular, in verse 17, Jeremiah points out that both Judah and Israel angered God by worshipping Baal, which is a pagan god in which children were sacrificed. Solo es cuestin del tiempo. Eviten vasectomas y ligadura de los tubos. Oren para que la polica y la Guardia Nacional puedan controlar las protestas violentas. T tambin compraste almohadas, sabanas, cobijas para 40 personas. Print Messages : John Leary Tu tuviste 4 practicas del refugio con personas que se quedaron a dormir en tu casa, hasta usaste el combustible para calentar tu casa con queroseno y madera. around the U.S. and around the 50 States and Puerto Rico; around the White House, around the Government buildings; around President Trump and Vice-President Pence. john leary latest messages june 2020 - I dont believe this was accidental, but more of another soft discloser of what they are planning, and this is also what the Prophets in this blog have been warning us about from God with deadly plagues being created and released. Jesus said: My people, I have been warning you in many messages to be prepared because you will see a worse virus attack in the fall. Get Ready for an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit and be a Servant for God! Every sinner will be given a choice to love Me or the world of evil. Tu tenas el dinero, as que pudiste poner los paneles solares con un sistema de 34 paneles y 12 bateras solares. Este segundo virus puede destruir tu economa. Comparing Lorena from Mexicos Messages to St. Augustines Teaching on the Transformations We will Go Through Before the Era of Peace and Who are the First Fruits? Have no fear because My angels will defend you and multiply your needs.. En el tiempo de los refugios tu no saldrs del rea de la propiedad. Tu verdaderamente eres la sal y luz en el mundo cuando tu compartes Mi Evangelio con las personas. Pray that your family will choose to be believers in Me so they can enter into My refuges., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing the first wave of the corona virus that is killing many people all over the world. In those days, people were apparently fascinated by the thought of being linked to the famous via a series of handshakes. 12Although they fast, I will not listen to their cry;though they offer burnt offeringsand grain offerings,I will not acceptthem. Ora por tu pas y en focense ms en M, o vern ms castigos., Junio 22, 2020 (Estelas qumicas riegan el virus de la influencia y el virus) Then in Chapters 13 and 14, because God has pulled back His Divine Hand of Providence, families begin to turn on each other, there is a drought and in particular in Jeremiah 14:10-12, God tells Jeremiah, do not try and pray for His wrath to stop because He has to intercede for the guilt of their sins. Do not fear, God will not abandon you." Tus veras un virus peor en el otoo que matara muchas personas. - Feb 25, 2023, IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria - Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity - OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN, Message of Saint Joseph to the People of God - Daily Protection Prayer To Prevent Covid-19 Vaccinations - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Top Ten List Of Incorruptible Saints With Photos. Look at the crowds of protesters in your cities. Please guide us to all Truth to at least correct the errors of our own ways so that we may be rightly ordered back to You as Our Heavenly Father. Yo me pude ver en nuestro refugio, y luego los aviones empezaron a regar el virus por el aire. Mi profeta les haba predicho sobre Mi proteccin y uno de Mis ngeles paso por el campamento de los soldados Asirios y el ngel mato 185,000 hombres en un ataque rpido. It is just a matter of time. My love for you is everlasting and in heaven you will be adoring Me for all eternity., Jesus said: My people, I want to prepare you for My coming Warning by coming to Confession to cleanse your souls. The latest messages can be read by clicking on the Latest Messages link under the Messages menu. Posts in This Blog on How to Prepare for the Times of Distress Spiritually Before the Warning and the Coming Tribulation.
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