After being laid down gently on the floor, the blue pegasus came to. "Girls, remember what you learned. Replied Skoula, interested in the Commander's proposal. If the damage wasn't so substantial, then the ponies in question would be allowed to return home. Shining Armor, in particular, was taking this harder than the others. "Equestria becomes defenseless." Added Shining, the proverbial dots joining together as he spoke. With another sniffle, Celestia recalled what she had sent Shining out to do. The former was pleased to see her, but also equally worried. In exchange for their services they would be allowed to do whatever they please. And don't come back unless you want to be my friends again!". Therefore I must inoculate both you and your husband using a special spell which will hinder the Nightmare Forces' ability to sense your emotions. The only question that lingered, however, was how long would that loyalty last? a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction. ", "Luna, I need to ask you some questions. The other girls silently nodded as they cried; even if they were to try again, the same result will be apparent and they didn't want that if they were going to get Twilight to be their friend once again. I know I am guilty of nearly letting my subjects, my ponies meet their doom, I know I am guilty of nearly letting Canterlot be wiped off the face of Equestria, and I am especially sorry for betraying my student, who holds so much faith for me and has given everything to both ourselves and Equestria. It is unknown to us what became of Shining and Celestia at that time, but Twilight had nopony else to turn to, hence why we believe that her friends basically betrayed her just for the comparably petty glamour of being the bridesmaids of the wedding. There was silence, and for a time, nothing seemed to be happening. "I turned to the dark side for want of recognition of the beauty of the night by my subjects. Whatever thunder Applejack was packing was quickly silenced. Twilight couldn't finish her words. Eventually, after a spree of incapacitating and harvesting the love of her opponents, Chrysalis was left with Aegis, who was a bedraggled mess. She glanced behind her to see Twilight's treehouse/library encased once more in a dark magenta coloured bubble. "Proceed Commander." 60,737 hits today, 1,481,371 yesterday, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Thus, she decided to take it upon herself to talk things out with them. Then it hit him. In the aftermath of the wedding, Twilight has found that her friends have grown. Youhad no right to berate her like that and that goes double for her friends and the Princess herself. Passing through the massive double doors that led to the junction connecting both sister's bedchambers, Celestia led Shining through the door on the right. How could they simply leave her hurt and alone after everything she had done for them? You will also find me your finest spy. "Come on girls, you did well the first time. Stay tuned! ", This made Cadance lower a brow in question. Has Twilight ever been wrong about something before?". Once more, the girls fell silent, unable to find an explanation for their actions. They were not impressed at all. She's first skeptically about meeting new people, but when she discovered the magic of friendship, her life becomes a little happier. However, I cannot cast it without your permission, which is why I am here. Before Pinkie could finish speaking, the girls heard a loud thump outside, followed by the sound of something being dragged through mud. She, too, is sorry for betraying you, and she is willing to settle the matter using any method possible. Dark and evil thoughts began to seep into Chrysalis's mind, but her thinking was quickly ceased by the yelling of a nearby farmer who fled to the village to warn the garrison. If she hadn't found the real Cadance, they could have both died down there, so in fact, me and the girls straight up betrayed Twilight and left her to die.". When we betrayed you, the connection between us as the Elements of Harmony was critically damaged to the point where they could not be used. "You see, I'm worried about the threat from the changelings." Although the changelings along with their queen, Chrysalis, had been defeated during the royal wedding, no one could be certain where they . Chrysalis then stared into a green flame that burned at the side of her throne. You want to say sorry? But we did, so in all honesty, we can chalk that up to being a big fat lie. What greeted the Guard Captain was a sight he had seen often enough, but still awe-inspiring in it's visage. She was glad there was still somepony loyal to her. "May I get you anything?" "Applejack, you should know it's too early for me to forgive you. With that, Shining left the war room. What you are about to hear is top secret, and absolutely nopony can know of it.". Ah' have experienced many things both great and terrible, but what y'all did is the worst thing I have ever heard in my life, and that's sayin' a lot. "Why?" We all chose that stupid bug over our best friend, that's how we repaid Twilight for all the fun times we've had together. He glanced up ever so slightly to look at her, but quickly looked back down too ashamed to look her in the eye. Prowler! "Princess! The Nightmare Forces feed off negative emotions, such as the two I just mentioned. Youre all responsible for this and its only fair that a truly heartfelt apology is delivered if you want her and Spike to come around. ah' was crying last night because of something terrible that ah' did. ", "Listen Twilight, I know how much you feel they betrayed you, and I fully understand how much they hurt you. ", "Yeah..I guess." Fluttershy said before yawning mid-sentence. "Shining, take four of your men and bring Luna to me. Celestia assured her she would be fine under her tutoring and she held that for years but the moment she and the others betrayed Twilight, she broke that promise. Yelled a voice from outside the door. The army is in need of replenishment. There is nothing more we desire than this.". "But what if this second echelon decides to rebel against us? Replied the four guards in unison, following Shining down the hall as he trotted ahead of them. Tone replied, convinced. As quietly as she could, she made her way back to her bedroom. It was obvious to the cowpony that Big Mac had been busy. Night moved closer to his wife, who leaned close to him in response. Still, her mindset was very much like Spike's; it remained to be seen if the Mane 5 regretted their actions at all, therefore now was the time to prove it. Please, you must believe me. While she failed to break the shield, Rainbow had certainly gained somepony's attention as the doors to the treehouse balcony opened. "Yes ma'am!" Celestia sighed in annoyance. Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle had met alone up in Canterlot Tower for a private discussion. No matter how hard she tried to ignore it, it throbbed away in her mind like the many bruises she sustained from her numerous crash-landings. Captain Armor disowned her, stripped her of her title as Best Mare and banned her from the wedding, her friends walked out on her, and I.I said she had a lot to think about.". Furthermore, the want of a hoofshake at this time would have been utter folly. Not only did it give off the obvious signs all was not right with Twilight, but it also made the shield stronger. ", "Well, things happened, concerning a few ponies including mahself, Twilight and the other girls. Hissed Shroud. As for Shining, he felt it was best Celestia was informed of this development. Replied Applejack spiritedly. And in Twilight's case, alone, afraid, and very hurt?". Another brief pause followed, before Spike made the decision to report to Twilight. Honestly Luna, I can't explain it. With a sigh, she chose to come clean. Spike barked firmly. Only Rarity, who looked the better pick of the bunch, greeted the pink alicorn. "I understand you are both angry because of a recent incident involving your son and daughter, plus her friends and my sister. After a little while, Celestia managed to recompose herself, with a request to boot. I only hope we can all come up with an apology sincere enough to save Twilight from her grudge against us, all of us ", "Very good Commander Barbarousis. ", "Thank you Cadance. "Of course your highness. The troops must stick to the mission at all times, and at all costs. Replied Velvet. Replied Snake. Then, when she tried confronting the fiend openly, like indignant fools we chose to abandon her. The girls were leaving you..what could I have done? Snake was renowned for his effectiveness on the field, particularly in espionage and marking targets for the army to eliminate. There was no doubting the alicorn's mind that yesterday's fiasco had taken a toll on Twilight's already haggard mind, therefore she felt the best course of action was to ensure she was looking after herself that morning. Yelled Rainbow, who proceeded to charge the shield at lightspeed. Good day to you all!". You seem to have javascript disabled, or your browser is failing to execute it properly. Sobbed Celestia. You're not the only pony who's having a rough time. Once our specialist crack team in Ponyville captures the Princess of Love, we will proceed with the attack by coming out of disguise and making our way toward the castle while dispatching any resistance.". With that, Spike nodded and marched up to the door, Cadance stepping aside. My proposal is to send emissaries to towns and villages in which they live, so that we might entice them to join our cause. The girls did not move a muscle, stuck in a shocked trance. After all, one cannot be mad at a child for simply going with the flow. "You crash-landed, pretty hard too." ", "Yes ma'am. There wasn't a hint of delight or joy traceable on her face or in her soul. You see, before I became Nightmare Moon, I shared rule of Equestria with my dear sister. There was nothing that could ruin this moment, absolutely nothing. The Changelings roared in unison, their thirst for blood amplified beyond comprehension. Replied Applejack, slightly unsure of what was about to happen. The latter turned to Shining Armor next. Said the youngest Royal Guard, a rookie by all appearances. "I'm sorry Rarity, but it seems Twilight was right. "That is true, but here's the thing Granny Smith." After taking the moment to scratch the remaining figments of dirt out of her mane, she took a seat opposite Fluttershy. A brief silence took hold as Celestia registered the news, before resuming her job. The train had now reached the midway point on its journey and yet, Twilight still did not feel at peace. You doing OK this morning? Just please, do not chastise me. Spike, on the other hand, wasn't as troubled by the recent events of his life, but he certainly did still regret abandoning Twilight, and from the point where he was forgiven, he swore to himself that he would never leave her again. The escort stopped just a few metres away from the Sun Princess, allowing Shining to step forward to address her. ", "No Fluttershy,I haven't. Unbeknownst to them, a Changeling disguised as a tanned yellow pegasus stallion, replete with a brown mane and tail had walked into town, and was quietly observing them. After a while, she grinned confidently, settling Barbarousis's nerves. This site and its contents are not affiliated with Hasbro, Inc. Unfortunately, in his haste to leave, he wasn't prepared for what came next. "You are in charge of the armory. "Night Light! But then came the sound of snorting mixed with snoring. "Celestia, please wake up!" Said Shining, who stepped aside to allow Luna to comfort her distraught sister. "Cadance, I need you to talk to Twilight, because she needs to know I am extremely sorry for what I have done. "There was no way I could have known..I did everything I could!". That was an impostor with evil intentions, yet you let her facade fool you, and I know you sister. The Princess of Love, accompanied by the other five Element Bearers were heading to Ponyville in order to mend relations with the lavender unicorn, leaving Canterlot vulnerable to attack. The Mane 5 were left speechless. Finished Celestia. "Twilight please! "Beautiful? Something ah' will probably never forgive myself for. "She..she did what?" Cadance called out, hoping to hear from either the lavender unicorn or the baby dragon. See you.". "You have nothing to be sorry for. Whatever this was, they hoped it wouldn't be of any discomfort. "What is it you want?" First off, when dawn broke over Canterlot, what happened when you left your post?". For all intents and purposes, this felt like an interrogation, and probably the most painful and harrowing encounter she had to deal with yet. And for Luna's sake, I nearly lost my life because of them! It was apparent that the Changelings had taken them prisoner.". It was frustrating her to no end. Now that she had a man in charge of drilling and equipment, she needed somepony to command the home defense. Many of the city's buildings were damaged in the fighting, particularly by Changeling pegasi divebomb attacks, and much of the populace was displaced in the chaos. Despite being originally hesitant, Applejack quickly swallowed her sorrows and stepped up to the plate. ", "Of course they do Twilight, that's why they're here. "What is it Granny Smith?" Why hath you summoned me before you? Cried Applejack, trying to defuse the situation. On the other hoof, the levels of disbelief grew for both Night and Velvet as they took in every little bit of Shining's story. Worse still, she couldn't comprehend just how little she cared for Twilight, compared to the amount of love and attention she gives to her animal friends daily. Still, somepony had to say it, and it fell to Rainbow to take up that mantle. All of this was going down a pair of raging waterfalls that flowed down the mare's face. This time, I am willingly choosing to leave because I regret leaving Twilight at all. I just..". "Please don't leave me.", "Shh Sugarcube." Yelled both commanders as their forces clashed. It was clear what she had planned now that she'd taken her revenge on Twilight; for straight ahead, perched on the side of the mountains and lit by the evening sun, was the capitol city: Canterlot. "As well as the sound of a bell!" "What gives you the right to question me, AJ?" ", "Thank you Princess." Now, I want the prisoners, all the prisoners, to be rehabilitated. Aegis's Guards stood to attention, poised to strike on his word. The Mane 5 were shocked to see that the baby dragon had taken on such a strict form, but Cadance remained unbowed by such an appearance. However, that was the least of her concerns. Cadance was left with the job of escorting them out. Fortunately enough for the elite Changeling spy, he did not have to wait long as around the same time Twilight and company had embraced each other in a hug, Blade soon reported back via telepathy. The spree of devastation seemed to fly by as the Changelings stormed the village, smashing into ponies homes before harvesting their love and setting the place on fire. Twilight is not in the mood to be messed with.". Applejack barked angrily. You just need to know how to get the message across. The part that struck them the hardest was when he scornfully scolded Twilight and cut her off from his life, Twilight's friends leaving her to melt into a puddle of misery and Princess Celestia stabbing the final dagger into her heart by saying what she said. "No, please!" Shining dug deep before finally letting it roll off his tongue. "It's Spike. "Don't you get it?! The unicorn mare, bearing a mane almost similar to Twilight's, raced to the door to greet her son. She had come to make sure the lavender unicorn had a good morning, and it looked like she had. With a sigh, she continued onward to Sugarcube Corner. "And that's why all this has happened." Spike's request was greeted with a smile, but Cadance wisely remembered Twilight might not be too pleased to see him. What he got instead was nowhere near what he was expecting: a hug. For the fourth time in a row, silence fell over the room as the Mane 5, Shining Armor and Celestia looked at Cadance in shock and horror. The memories of that dreadful episode of her life were rushing back into her mind. Can you take care of things here?". This had left them both hurt and furious, emotions which Luna knew full well would suppurate and fester within their souls. Added Pinkie. I have a job for them.". She could feel her eyebrows and face contort into a mask of pure disappointment, even anger at her sister for doing such a thing, and she had no intention of relinquishing the emotions that were taking over at present. "So, what's the plan?". Replied Velvet anxiously. "The next part is much worse, and it is dreadful to even contemplate. Luna gasped in shock. Back in Ponyville, morning had dawned over the town, birds chirping happily to mark the occasion. Cadance was about to speak, but her train of thought instantly derailed. I must speak with the both of you immediately.". "Then you are ready." Remember, I'll be staying in Carousel Boutique while I'm here, so if you ever need me, I'm here for you. It's been tough on all of us. The bubbles began to increase in brightness as the energy of the spell increased, the forms of both Velvet and Night becoming obscured by the brightening light. As Spike left to fetch Twilight, Cadance decided to ensure that the girls knew what they had to say, and more importantly how to say it. Finally, Luna cast the spell, and it encapsulated both Velvet and Night in two white bubbles filled with interlinking particles of magic. This make the pink alicorn smile warmly. Shining expected Celestia to begin talking, but instead the solar alicorn rose from her perch before motioning to the stallion to accompany her out of the study. Celestia has requested your presence in the wedding hall immediately.". "That is a question I am tormented with every day ma'am." With that, Cadance gently closed the door behind her. Urged Fluttershy. however what happens when her only chance is also in the mafia. Instead, she opted for a conciliatory defeat. Chrysalis turned to look at the pair, before returning an affirmative nod to Blade. Twilight also wished me to inform you that she and Spike will be returning home as soon as they are done packing. "And any enemy that attacks us will have free reign to wreak havoc." Chrysalis cackled evilly. But that was the thing. It is I who should be remorseful and ashamed.". "Then why did you not defend Twilight at the wedding rehearsal?". Asked Rarity worriedly. Replied Velvet, making room for Luna to enter. FLASHBACK. I need to check with Twilight. Twilight quizzed. Canterlot Wedding Fanfiction Stories | Quotev "Well, things happened, concerning a few ponies including mahself, Twilight and the other girls. With a quick and curt bow, Snake Bite flew off to Ponyville. However, the pony she opened the door to was unlike anypony she could've possibly expected, her eyes going wide and her jaw dropping to denote her shock. 1,069 users online "Twilight has left the city with Spike". ", "I know Dad", sighed Shining. Have you forgotten just how much she believed in you? Asked Shroud, preparing his mind to take mental notes, regardless of length. Licenses, Support us We both know Cadance is capable of taking on any responsibility with the same good grace and warmth she is so blessed with. After pulling herself together, Celestia took a moment to compose herself before speaking. "I'm shaking like a leaf. Spike had her well and truly beaten. However, Cadance sensed there was something off about the shield. "I can remember spending most of the night cr-". With a new school, town, and friends, it's an adventure waiting to . The first, she imagined, would be giving her a gift of a simple, but beautifully made dress. The alicorn started crying, her stubbornness finally failing. Replied Twilight lovingly. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy in A Canterlot Wedding. Alt. Is your pride too stubborn for you to admit that the way you treated Twilight was wrong?! The latter looked back up again, her stony facade pulled down to reveal the same broken mare they had last seen in the wedding hall. "So, what was it you wanted to talk about? They were supposed to have learned their lesson after the incident they dubbed as "Lesson Zero", but in truth, they had learned nothing. We'll let you in, but they are not allowed on this property!" Not to mention how foalish we had all been!". Just please try to bring her around. Don't forget what you have learned!". "After all, we need you to lead the Elements of-mmph!". She decided it was high time Spike was given something to think about. "What if I was wrong about the impostor? Tell me we didn't forsake innocent lives for a wedding". I can't help it. Just gimme a second." "Oh Spike, how could I not forgive you?" As the days passed, and my hopes turned into bitterness, you ignored it for the limelight, leaving me to succumb to my demons. Am I clear Snake Bite?". The Cadance which Twilight had just met did not recognize said hoofshake.". The tale that Celestia was spinning before her was intriguing her more and more. "The poor mare must be a mess in there.". Cadance sighed deeply. "Now, the spell should protect you from any attempt at intrusion by the Nightmare Forces. This has refined my ability to also sense ponies' aura.". The obvious coldness that the group could feel radiating off her. The aura she was sensing was undeniably strong, and bitter in feeling. In fact, let her know that if she wants an audience with me to gain her trust, I would be more than happy to meet with her. Coupled with it was the occasional flash of lightning and clap of thunder, giving the charcoal-black landscape an ominous appearance. Four voices hummed in agreement. What matters is that we are sorry for what we did, and all we want now is for us to be friends again. What if Cadance wasn't an impostor? Just let it out" Cooed Candace softly, still dutifully caring for the filly she was entrusted with. Oftentimes, an artist would find a scene worthy of a new painting, and it would fall to him to transfer that scene from real life to canvas, thereby creating a transcendent work of art. "Sergeant, Lieutenant Blade has given us orders to billet here for the time being. It's not like she didn't make that clear after we defeated Chrysalis" Added Rainbow in annoyance. Cadance replied calmly. The Mane 5's ears collectively drooped in disappointment. It won't go away. "Now, we are aware that at this point, the Canterlot Royal Guard will come out of the castle en masse and attempt to form a defensive perimeter around the castle walls and entrance. We hope you can forgive us.". Two wrongs never make a right and when I say that, I meant it doesnt matter how out of order Twilight was when she confronted the queen. "Have you completed your missions Captain? Spike immediately shot Applejack a glare in hopes it would send shivers down her spine. How are we gonna be friends with her again if we can't forgive ourselves?!". We all betrayed you Twilight. As she walked away, she heard the familiar sound of a shield spell being cast. Rarity, I'll meet you at Carousel Boutique.". Act 1 [Later, when Twilight and her friends are setting up for the wedding preparation before The REAL Canterlot Wedding begins] Twilight Sparkle: Seriously, though, I get why the Queen of The Changelings wanted to be with you, but how did you get someone as amazing as Cadance to marry you? Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, AJ, clearly you are not worthy of the time of a pony like Twilight Sparkle, and by extension, you are not worthy of my time either. She was cornered, and it could have been any more obvious to her. "Twilight, have you forgotten why we're here? The Guard Captain immediately tried to calm down Celestia as best as he could. Should we find somewhere to billet for the time being? Snake grinned. Pinkie and Fluttershy were also crying in their sleep, Rainbow was tossing and turning, her attempts to wear out her body coming to nothing. Suddenly, the hall's doors opened to reveal Cadance, who had come bearing news for Celestia. "Well, it's best that I start from the beginning..". Nodding in response, Cadance signalled to the Mane 5 for somepony to make a move. Back in Canterlot, Shining Armor had arrived at his and Twilights old family home with the orders to inform their parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light of their current situation. It is the first half of a two-part season finale. Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic By: VickyT36. I don't know how, but I just do. What I'm asking is if you know Twilight did something wrong as well?". Granny Smith slowly stood up, Applejack watching on as she did. The Changelings could just walk right in, disguised and completely invisible to the ponies' eyes, and then strike when the time was right. If you and Cadance hadn't intervened, there would have been no saving Canterlot. But if there's anything wrong darling, just talk to me, alright?". "But Commander, what of the Element Bearers? Not only did Celestia abandon her, but she stabbed her with a proverbial dagger through her heart. "Shininghow could you?
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