(function () { font-size: 16px; /*background-color: #9ac7ee;*/ ISESCO 2007. Compiled Service Records, Post-Revolutionary War Volunteer Soldiers, 1784-1811, U.S. Index to General Correspondence of the Record and Pension Office, 1889-1904, U.S. Military Burial Registers, 1768-1921, U.S. Military Records, 1925: Official National Guard Register, U.S. Military and Naval Academies, Cadet Records and Applications, 1805-1908, U.S. National Homes For Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866-1938, U.S. Navy Support Books, 1901-1902, 1917-2010, U.S. Returns from Regular Army Infantry Regiments, 1821-1916, U.S. .panel-grid-cell .widget-title { Rockingham County - History
5th Maine Infantry ALS American Civil War Letter James B. Golladay. text-align: center;
Virginia Ancestral Trackers Civil War What Happened To Ripley 8 After Alien Resurrection, 4pp. Histories Series. After Cedar Creek they were sent to the Petersburg lines and participated in the battles of Hatcher's Run and Ft. Stedman. Brave Carolinian fell at Gettysburg . text-decoration: none; Served under John King Jackson's Brigade short description:American Civil War unit The 5th Georgia Volunt The unit became part of the Stonewall Brigade and served undder Generals T.J. Jackson, R.B. 5th Virginia Infantry 6th Virginia Infantry 7th Virginia Infantry 8th Virginia Infantry 9th Virginia Infantry 10th Virginia Infantry 11th Virginia Infantry 12th Virginia Infantry 13th Virginia Infantry 14th Virginia Infantry 15th Virginia Infantry 16th Virginia Infantry 17th Virginia Infantry IN-GAME. [SearchFullSite
I, Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution, Vol. 0. I. H. Duval's and George Crook's divisions, Eighth Army Corps. General: The following is a roster of the Fourth Virginia Volunteer Infantry.
14th West Virginia Infantry - West Virginia in the Civil War List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. .
Civil War Regiments, Rosters and Muster Rolls | Access Genealogy Cultural Activities
4th Kentucky Infantry, Field and Staff - Roster. - Company G, 43rd Regiment, Tennessee Infantry (5th East Tennessee Volunteers, Gilespie's Regiment) Mayfield, John - 2nd Regiment, South Carolina Cavalry, Hampton's Legion . Eight companies were from Augusta County and two from Frederick County. 5th Virginia Infantry 5th VA Inf. display: none; 1778-1875, Virginia military organizations in the World War : with supplement of distinguished service, Virginia pension abstracts of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Indian Wars, Virginia pension abstracts of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Indian wars, Volume 2, 26, 29, 31-32, 34, Virginia soldiers of 1776 : compiled from documents on file in the Virginia Land Office, together with material found in the archives Department of the Virginia State Library and other reliable sources, Virginia soldiers of the American Revolution, Virginia, Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865, Virginia, Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1861-1865, Virginia, Southern Claims Commission Approved Claims, 1871-1880, Virginia, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Applications for the Relief of Needy Confederate Women, 1915-1967, Virginia, World War II Draft Registration Cards,1940-1945, Virginians Killed or Missing in Action, Vietnam Conflict, War Casualties from World War II for Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Personnel, 1941-1946, War of 1812 Military Bounty Land Warrants, 1815-1858, War of 1812 Pay Rolls and Muster Rolls Index, War of 1812 Pension Application Files Index, 1812-1815, War of 1812 Pension Application Files Index, 1812-1815, War of 1812 Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files, War of 1812, Prisoner of War Records, 1812-1815, War of 1812. from the Papers of Hon. margin: 0 auto; Author Wallace, Lee A. Sports, Recreation, Collections
line-height: 29px; II Ancestry, Medal of Honor Recipients, 1863-2013 Fold3, Mexican War Service Records Library of Virginia, Mexican War Service Records Index 1846-1848 Fold3, Military Personnel Who Died During the Vietnam War Archives.com, Military Record of Civilian Appointments in the United States Army (1860s) Ancestry, Military certificates, A-Z : July 14, 1782-August 5, 1876 Family History Library, Missing Air Crew Reports (MACRs) of the U.S. Army Air Forces, 1942-1947 Fold3, Muster and Pay Rolls of the War of the Revolution Ancestry, Nationwide Gravesite Locator (burial locations of veterans) National Cemetery Administration, Naval Enlistment Weekly Returns 1855-1891 Fold3, Naval Pensioners of the United States 1800-1851 Ancestry, Naval Records of Officers from 1775-1910 Fold3, Navy Courts Martial Records, 1799-1867 Fold3, Navy Survivors' Certificates, 1861-1910 Fold3, Navy Widows' Certificates, 1861-1910 Fold3, Navy and Marine Corps Officer Registers Fold3, Notes on the settlement and Indian wars of the western parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania, from 1763 to 1783, inclusive : together with a view of the state of society, and manners of the first settlers of the western country LDS Genealogy, Notes on the settlement and Indian wars of the western parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania, from 1763 to 1783, inclusive : together with a view of the state of society, and manners of the first settlers of the western country Internet Archive, Officers of the Continental and U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, 1775-1900 Ancestry, Official Army Register of the Volunteer Force of the United States Army, 1861-1865, Parts 1-8 Ancestry, Official Army register of the volunteer force of the United States Army for the years 1861, '62, '63, '64, '65 Family History Library, Pardons by the President : final report of the names of persons who lived in Alabama, Virginia, West Virginia, or Georgia, were engaged in rebellion and pardoned by the President, Andrew Johnson Family History Library, Pensioners of the Revolutionary War-Struck Off the Roll Ancestry, Post-bellum campaigns of the blue and gray, 1881-1882 LDS Genealogy, Post-bellum campaigns of the blue and gray, 1881-1882 Internet Archive, Records of Naval Officers, 1798-1893 Fold3, Records of Naval Officers, 1829-1924 Fold3, Records of the Revolutionary War Ancestry, Register of Officers and Members of the Society of Colonial Wars, 1897-1898 : Constitution of the General Society Ancestry, Register of the Empire State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Ancestry, Registers of Enlistments in the United States Army, 1798-1914 Fold3, Registers of Patients at Naval Hospitals, 1812 - 1934 Ancestry, Rejected or Suspended Applications for Revolutionary War Pensions Ancestry, Reminiscences of the Civil War, 1861-1865 Ancestry, Returns from Regular Army Coast Artillery Corps Companies, 1901-1916 Fold3, Returns from Regular Army Regiments, 1821-1916 Ancestry, Revolutionary Pensioners of 1818 Ancestry, Revolutionary War Bounty Land Applications and Certificates Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Bounty Land Grants Ancestry, Revolutionary War Pension Records MyHeritage, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files Fold3, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900 Ancestry, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims Index (index to the reimbursement claims submitted by Virginia residents for goods and services ) Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Records: Virginia Ancestry, Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 Fold3, Revolutionary War Service Records, 1775-1783 Fold3, Revolutionary War Virginia State Pensions Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War pensions and index (Virginia) Family History Library, Revolutionary War rolls 1775-1783 Family History Library, Robert E. Lee Camp Confederate Soldiers' Home Applications Library of Virginia, Roster of Confederate Soldiers in the War Between the States Ancestry, Roster of Confederate pensioners of Virginia, 1917 LDS Genealogy, Roster of Confederate pensioners of Virginia, 1917 Internet Archive, Roster of Confederate pensioners of Virginia, 1919 LDS Genealogy, Roster of Confederate pensioners of Virginia, 1919 Internet Archive, Roster of Confederate pensioners of Virginia, 1922 LDS Genealogy, Roster of Confederate pensioners of Virginia, 1922 Internet Archive, Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, Part I Ancestry, Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, Part II Ancestry, Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, Part III Ancestry, Service Records of Confederate Soldiers MyHeritage, Sketch of Page's Battery, or Morris Artillery, 2d Corps, Army Northern Virginia LDS Genealogy, Sketch of Page's Battery, or Morris Artillery, 2d Corps, Army Northern Virginia Internet Archive, Southeast Asia Combat Area Casualties Archives.com, Southern Claims Commission Approved Claims, 1871-1880 Fold3, Southern Claims Commission Approved Claims, 1871-1880: Virginia Fold3, Southern Claims Commission, Barred and Disallowed Fold3, Spanish American War Service Records Fold3, The 7th Battalion Confederate Cavalry - Virginia US Gen Web, The Confederate Navy - Surnames: Ahern through Dwyer US Gen Web, The Confederate Navy - Surnames: Hage through Lynch US Gen Web, The Confederate Navy - Surnames: McCarrick through Ruggles US Gen Web, The Confederate Navy - Surnames: Saunders through Young US Gen Web, Transcript of the 1813 Virginia Pension List for Revolutionary Pensioners New Horizons Genealogical Services, U.S. Army Casualties 1961-1981 MyHeritage, U.S. Army Personnel and Dependent Casualties, 1961-1981 Ancestry, U.S. Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914 Ancestry, U.S. It surrendered 8 officers and 48 men. This feature is not yet available. body.layout-full {
5th VA Roster :: 5th Virginia Infantry - steamcommunity.com padding: 10px 20px; Siege of Fort Blakeley, Alabama. .metaslider .caption { Eight companies were from Augusta County and two from Frederick County. What Happened To Ripley 8 After Alien Resurrection, Heavy Artillery Infantry, The Twenty-first Missouri Volunteer Infantry, 1893 Nebraska Census of Civil War Veterans, Roster For 1893 Of The Womans Relief Corps, Battles, Engagements, Actions And Important Skirmishes, Company F 140th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, History of Jacksons Virginia Artillery Company, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrants, 1859 List of Munsee from Leavenworth County Kansas, 1876-1878 Pacific Coast Business Directory, St. Charles Countys Participation in the World War, Oglethorpe University Publications Online, Maryville High School Yearbooks, 1919-1977, The Battles of Co. H 11th Regiment GA Volunteer Infantry A First Hand Account, Military Order Of The Loyal Legion Of The United States, Master List of Nebraska Civil War Veterans (hosted at, Roster of the 101st PA Volunteer Infantry, Roster of the 103rd PA Volunteer Infantry. font-size: 20px; Orderly book of Major William lIeth of the 3d Virginia regi-ment, May I5, July I, I777. ALS from Robert M. Stevens of the 5th Maine Infantry, Company B, datelined ''Camp Franklin, Va. March 20, 1862.''. var sibErrMsg = {"invalidMail":"Please fill out valid email address","requiredField":"Please fill out required fields","invalidDateFormat":"Please fill out valid date format","invalidSMSFormat":"Please fill out valid phone number"}; "Stonewall" Jackson's command. Named in honor General Daniel Morgan After acceptance into the 5th Virginia, in June 1861, it retained its militia name and was given the letter designation K. Originally organized in Frederick county, Virginia, the 31st Virginia Militia Company A was the oldest pre-war militia unit to serve within the 5th Virginia Infantry Regiment. On April 17, 1861 Virginia seceded from the Union and Governor Letcher called out the militia to defend the state. Religion
Garnett, Winder, Paxton, J.A. Under the command of General John B. Gordon, the Stonewall Brigade, along with the 5th Virginia, was so highly respected by both Federal and Confederate forces alike that it was given the highest place of honor. 5th Michigan Infantry Gettysburg Monument: 5th Michigan, Company K: Based in Bay City, this mid-Michigan re-enacting group re-creates men from one of two companies raised for the 5th out of the Saginaw area. [CDATA[ */ Return to Title Page Sections: Rockingham County - History Cities and Towns Education Religion Genealogy Civil War Rockingham County and War Business and Industry Transportation and Communication Agriculture Politics and Government Immigration and Settlement Social History Sports, Recreation, Collections Professions Not sure what to do next in your genealogy research? window.lsow_fs = {can_use_premium_code: false}; } The 5th Vermont Infantry was part of the Army of the Potomac, in the Vermont Brigade of the Sixth Army Corps. font-weight: bold; USA (1,373,456) > Virginia (52,567) > Virginia Military Records (1,236), A Puritan colony in Maryland (Randall, Daniel Richard) Family History Library, A dictionary of all officers who have been commissioned, in the Army of the United States Ancestry, Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots Ancestry, Alabama, Texas and Virginia, Confederate Pensions, 1884-1958 Ancestry, Alphabetical List of Battles, 1754-1900 : War of the Rebellion, Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurrection, and All Old Wars Ancestry, American Civil War General Officers Ancestry, American Militia in the Frontier Wars, 1790-1796 Ancestry, American Revolutionary War Rejected Pensions Ancestry, American Soldiers of World War I Ancestry, Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution, Vol. Return To Rosters Page Return To Index Page. The 5th Regiment , Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Company K, had its origins in the 31st Virginia Militia and was known as the Continental Morgan Guard. border-top: 10px solid #33ac08; Baylor. Company A ( Marion Rifles) - many men from Frederick County Company B ( Rockbridge Rifles) - many men from Rockbridge County Company C ( Mountain Guard) - many men from Augusta County Company D ( Sout Special report of the Department of Archives and History for 1912 by Virginia State Library.
5th Vermont Infantry Regiment - Wikipedia (Collections of the Virginia His-torical Society . } The men of the Fifth Texas Infantry were recruited primarily from the Texas counties of Colorado, Harris, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Milam, Montgomery, Polk, Trinity, Walker . $100 (1 bid) Mar 11 . #masthead-widgets .widget { width: 100%; } body.responsive #page-wrapper {
A Guide to the Department of Confederate Military Records, 1859-1996 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment (Sykes' regulars) Constituted 3 May 1861 in the Regular Army as Company E, 2d Battalion, 11th Infantry Organized 8 September 1865 near Richmond, Virginia. [Abbreviations&
[Between 1861 and 1865, re-photographed 1961] Photograph. The field officers were Colonels William S.H. Walker, and W. Terry. font-size: 20px; text-align:center;
Civil War Military Units | Clark Historical Library Georgia Dead buried Liberty, Bedford County, VA. Georgia Dead buried in Charlottesville, VA, News Account of Georgia Confederate Dead 22 May 1866, University of Virginia Confederate Cemetery, Kentucky Regiments, Rosters and Muster Rolls, 14th Kentucky Infantry Regiment Service History, 37th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry (Mounted), Short History of the 7th Kentucky Cavalry, Brief History of , 31st Louisiana Infantry, Canadian Nationals who Served with the Maine Militia, Complete List Of Recipients Of The Kearney Cross, Company D, Second United States Sharpshooters, First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment, First Company Sharp Shooters Minn. 54mm Figures.
5th West Virginia Infantry - West Virginia in the Civil War text-align: right; Rockingham County and War
5th virginia infantry roster - ptitbuilding.com 16 Ancestors. Fort Blakeley, AL -The Last Battle of the Civil War. A half-hour had passed, and the 8th Virginia Infantry Regiment had helped turn the tide of battle in the Confederate counter-attack on Henry Hill. var wpstream_player_vars = {"admin_url":"https:\/\/www.fondation-fhb.org\/wp-admin\/","chat_not_connected":"Inactive Channel - Chat is disabled. function utmx_section(){}function utmx(){} Si vous continuez utiliser ce site, nous supposerons que vous en tes satisfait. Original data: Roster of North Carolina troops in the war between the states.Raleigh, N.C.,: Ash & Gatling, 1882. .date { They returned home December 5th following Brown's hanging. img.wp-smiley, John J. Rhodes, Company K, 5th Virginia Regiment, C.S.A. /* ]]> */ The Continental Morgan Guard, 5th Virginia, Company K, served with distiniction in all of the battles that the Army of Northern Virginia took part in. border-bottom: 10px solid #33ac08;
MilitaryHistoryOnline.com This is a list of all the photographs found in the Prints and Photographs Division's \"Civil War Negatives and Related Prints\" and Feinberg-Whitman collections that depict named Commanded by local physician Captain John H. S. Funk, the company drilled and maneuvered in the Winchester countryside. They would become Company K of the 5th Regiment, and had 133 officers and men. ","server_up":"The live stream is paused and may resume shortly. The regiment was engaged in protecting the loyal citizens of the Kanawha Valley, and ridding it of the Confederates, until 5th VIRGINIA INFANTRY by Lee A. Wallace Jr. 4th Virginia Infantry regiment State Line 5th Virginia Cavalry regiment, Provisional Army 5th Virginia Cavalry regiment 5th and 15th Virginia Cavalry 5th Virginia battalion Reserves 5th Virginia Infantry battalion Local Defense Troops 5th Virginia Infantry battalion 5th Virginia Infantry regiment State Line 6th Virginia Cavalry regiment This page was last edited on 12 March 2018, at 09:36. 1890 Veterans Schedules Ancestry. line-height: 29px; Men often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always. background-color: #f5853b; 1.
History - 5th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry Company K Composed less than a week after the company's advance on Manassas, VA, letter rea. } These units were mustered into service in June of '61. .epyt-gallery-thumb { During the John Brown crisis in late 1859, the Rifleman, 56 strong, were called out by Virginia state authorities and spent six days on active service.
DHR - Virginia Department of Historic Resources Cornerstone border-bottom: 10px solid #33ac08; Join us in reenacting this famous organization.
CONFEDERATE AMERICAN PRIDE: Confederate Roster The 5th Regiment, Virginia Infantry (Confederate) was organized in May, 1861, under Colonel K. Harper. } It Gets The People Going, A dictionary of all officers who have been commissioned, in the Army of the United States Ancestry. was involved in Rockingham County several times during the War. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? .widget { The unit became part of the Stonewall Brigade and served undder Generals T.J. Jackson, R.B. The Seven Days Battles before Richmond, Virginia, Battles of Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, http://warriorsoftherebellion.shoutwiki.com/w/index.php?title=5th_Virginia_Infantry&oldid=78682, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0, November-December 1863 - Mine Run Campaign. 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